
Returning user

If you are a returning user to the Skills for Health Tools website please note you’ll need to reset your password here. Your ‘My Lists’ data will be available to you when you reset your password using your current username/email.

You can log in to the system here.

New user

If you wish to use the ‘My Lists’ function you’ll need to create an account. The ‘My Lists’ environment has been designed to allow you to store your own unique collection of NOS/competences for any purpose. For example, competence lists could relate to role/team profiles or modules of learning etc. This new environment has been designed to make it easier for you to access your work and also to improve flexibility and efficiency when working with competence lists and be able to also transfer to an Excel spreadsheet for example.

To make use of the ‘My Lists’ function please Register here.

Help guides

The following step by step guides are available to help you make the best use of the site.