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  • CORE Functions
      • 1.1 Develop methods of communicating
        • CHS151 Develop strategies to optimise individuals communication skills and abilities
        • CHS154.2014 Develop, prepare and maintain resources for use by individuals who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems
        • CHS156 Develop activities and materials to enable individuals to achieve specified communication goals
        • PT17 Explore with the client their experience and understanding of unconscious communication in analytic/dynamic therapy
        • SCDHSC0041 Maintain effective communication systems and practice
      • 1.2 Communicate effectively
        • BDS15 Communicate the assessment decision regarding an individual's fitness and suitability to donate blood or blood component
        • CHS126 Conduct handover between healthcare personnel
        • CHS48 Communicate significant news to individuals
        • CHS94 Explain to the family the patient's brain stem death
        • CM G4 Communicate with individuals, groups and communities about promoting their health and wellbeing in a defined caseload
        • CS1.2015 Communicate with children and young people, and those involved in their care
        • CS26.2015 Share an adverse prognosis about children and young people with their families
        • Diab CYP03 Inform a child or young person and their family of a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes
        • Diab CYP04 Inform a child/young person and their family of a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance
        • Diab GA4 Inform individuals of a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance
        • Diab PD12 Inform a woman of a diagnosis of gestational diabetes
        • Diab TT03 Inform individuals of a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes
        • END01 Communicate and relate to individuals during endoscopic procedures
        • GEN21 Interact with individuals using telecommunications
        • GEN62 Collate and communicate health information to individuals
        • GEN97 Communicate effectively in a healthcare environment
        • GEN99 Promote effective communication and relationships with people who are troubled or distressed
        • GTC8.2014 Communicate genetic and genomic information to individuals, families and other healthcare staff
        • MCN1.2015 Communicate and interact with babies and those involved in their care
        • OP1 Communicate with older people and their carers
        • OPTR1 Contribute to communications within the optical practice/store
        • PMWRV10 Make sure communication is effective following an incident of violence at work
        • PT25 Explain the rationale for systemic approaches
        • PT29 Work across different languages in family and systemic therapy
        • RenAT11 Notify the patient that an organ is available
        • SCDHSC0031 Promote effective communication
        • SCDINSPF1 Engage with people who use services and their carers in inspection activities
        • SFJAB101 Communicate effectively with callers to emergency services
        • SFJAD4 Liaise with other services
        • SFJZH13 Operate telephony and computerised systems for emergency services
      • 1.3 Support individuals to communicate
        • CHS155.2014 Assist and support individuals to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems
        • CHS157 Provide support to individuals to develop their communication skills
        • CHS158 Enable individuals from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds to access Speech and Language Therapy services
        • CLDAL13 Advocate with and on behalf of learners so that their interests are represented
        • GEN85 Support individuals with communication and interaction difficulties
        • GEN98 Promote effective communication in a healthcare environment
        • LTNC22 Support individuals with neurological conditions to optimise their communication skills
        • SCDHSC0021 Support effective communication
        • SCDHSC0369 Support individuals with specific communication needs
        • SCDHSC0370 Support the use of technological aids to promote independence
        • SCDHSC0371 Support individuals to communicate using interpreting and translation services
      • 1.4 Develop relationships with individuals
        • CFAE5 Build relationships to build your business
        • CHS100 Develop relationships with individuals with long term conditions
        • CLDAL16 Develop and sustain working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
        • CS19.2015 Develop relationships with children, young people and those involved in their care
        • FMH10 Make and maintain personal and professional boundaries with individuals in a secure setting
        • GEN102 Establish, sustain and disengage from relationships with the families of children and young people
        • GEN103 Establish, sustain and disengage from relationships with the families of individuals with specific health needs
        • MH100 Establish and maintain the therapeutic relationship
        • PT03 Engage with the client in cognitive and behavioural therapy
        • PT05 Foster and maintain a therapeutic alliance in cognitive and behavioural therapy
        • PT06 Collaborate with the client in implementing cognitive and behavioural therapy
        • PT13 Engage the client in analytic/dynamic therapy
        • PT18 Develop and maintain the relationship as a medium for change in analytic/dynamic therapy
        • PT19 Enable the client in analytic/dynamic therapy to become aware of unexpressed or unconscious feelings
        • PT20 Enable the client in analytic/dynamic therapy to explore the unconscious dynamics influencing their relationships
        • PT21 Manage difficulties in the analytic/dynamic therapeutic relationship
        • PT27 Engage significant members of the client's system
        • PT28 Promote the engagement of children and adolescents in family and systemic therapy
        • PT31 Promote constructive patterns in relationships within and across systems
        • PT38 Enable the client to understand your humanistic approach to therapy
        • PT39 Enable the client to determine their therapeutic focus in humanistic therapy
        • PT40 Maintain a space for exchange, learning and growth in humanistic therapy
        • PT41 Develop the humanistic therapeutic relationship
        • PT43 Maintain authenticity in the humanistic therapeutic relationship
        • PT46 Enable the client to express feelings and emotions within humanistic therapy
        • PT47 Enable the client in humanistic therapy to make sense of their experiences
        • RenDD5 Get to know the potential donor's family
        • SCDHSC0233 Develop effective relationships with individuals
        • SFTMVD8 Help address problems affecting volunteers
      • 1.5 Provide information, advice and guidance
        • CH Ac7 Advise the client on acupuncture related self-care strategies
        • CHD HL3 Advise individuals how they can carry out routine tests
        • CHS104 Brief the team for an individual's health intervention
        • CHS127 Advise on the health status and health care needs of individuals at a distant location using electronic communication media
        • CHS148 Provide information and advice to individuals on eating to maintain optimum nutritional status
        • CHS174 Advise and inform others on services
        • CHS175 Advise on protocols for healthcare science investigations and procedures
        • CHS176 Provide expert witness relating to patient investigations or procedures
        • CHS177 Advise on access to and use of services
        • CHS179 Advise on requirements for choice of therapeutic intervention
        • CHS34 Provide help for children and young people to understand their health and wellbeing
        • CHS56 Provide clinical information to individuals
        • CHS58 Provide information and support to carers of individuals with long term conditions
        • CS30.2015 Provide advice and information to children and young people and those involved in their care on how to manage their own health and well-being
        • CVD ED2 Provide information and advice about how to reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease
        • Diab ED01 Provide advice and information to men with diabetes about erectile dysfunction
        • EC13 Provide clinical care advice and information to others pending the attendance of emergency assistance
        • END02 Provide information on endoscopic procedures to individuals
        • GEN14 Provide advice and information to individuals on how to manage their own condition
        • GEN46 Provide information and advice to support individuals in undertaking desired occupational and non-occupational activities
        • INSML042 Develop knowledge and communicate information
        • LSIILARE7v2 Apply standards that help people find content
        • LSIILARE8v2 Apply standards for the description and location of items
        • LSIILARF4v2 Educate customers to find and use information
        • MCN22.2015 Provide pre-conception advice and information
        • MCN26 Provide advice and information during the antenatal and postnatal period to promote health and wellbeing
        • OH2.2025 Provide information and support to individuals on oral health
        • OPTR16 Provide optical information and/or advice to individual customers
        • OPTR2 Meet customers of the optical practice/store and provide information
        • RAD14 Advise on use and effects of radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products
        • RenDD20 Inform participants of the outcomes of donation
        • RenTP13 Advise patients on conception and contraception health issues
        • RenTP17 Investigate patients' enquiries about their health
        • SCDCPC316 Support individuals to secure services in order to achieve outcomes
        • SCDHSC0026 Support individuals to access information on services and facilities
        • SCDHSC0419 Provide advice and information to those who enquire about health and social care services
        • SCDINSPA1 Provide information, advice and guidance about inspection activities
        • SFJ DA1 Obtain, analyse and provide information required for courts and formal hearings
        • SFJCD201 Respond to emergency service calls
        • SFJGAM004 Provide information, advice and support relating to player protection and responsibility in gambling
        • SFJOD4 Deal with customer requirements using a range of contact methods
        • TEL3 Provide interim clinical advice to individuals who are waiting for treatment and care
      • 2.1 Personal development
        • 2.1.1 Develop your own practice
          • CFASAD111 Plan and manage own workload
          • CFAYS3 Improve your business skills
          • GEN12 Reflect on and evaluate your own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness
          • GEN13 Synthesise new knowledge into the development of your own practice
          • GEN31 Initiate, and participate in, networks and discussion groups
          • GTC1.2014 Identify where genetics and genomics are relevant in your area of practice
          • INSML002 Develop your knowledge, skills and competence to meet the requirements of your work
          • INSML003 Develop and maintain your professional connections
          • OH34 Maintain personal and professional practice for dental care professionals
          • SCDHSC0023 Develop your own knowledge and practice
          • SFJ ZA9 Work within your business environment
        • 2.1.2 Reflect on your own practice
          • CFAYS2 Check your ability to run your business
          • CLDAL19 Manage personal development and reflect on current practice
          • CLDLD10 Reflect on, develop and maintain own skills and practice in learning and development
          • GEN23 Monitor your own work practices
          • INSBE049 Explore your business potential
          • SCDHSC0033 Develop your practice through reflection and learning
          • SFJ HA203 Manage personal development and reflect on current practice
        • 2.1.3 Make use of supervision
          • GEN36 Make use of supervision
      • 2.2 Support the development of others
        • 2.2.1 Support the development of the knowledge and practice of individuals
          • CCSCCS18 Peer training and mentoring
          • CFAOP6 Develop people's skills for your business
          • GEN131 Support and challenge teams and agencies on specific aspects of their practice
          • GEN132 Support and challenge workers on specific aspects of their practice
          • GEN33 Enable other individuals to reflect on their own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness
          • GEN35 Provide supervision to other individuals
          • INSBE021 Monitor staff performance in your business
          • INSML025 Manage and quality assure work in your team
          • INSML029 Support employees’ learning and development
          • LSICM05 Undertake coaching or mentoring
          • MH90.2013 Support others to promote understanding and help to improve people's mental health
          • PHP09 Enable others to develop and apply their knowledge and skills in relation to data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • SCDCPC309 Support co-productive commissioning
          • SCDHSC0043 Take responsibility for the continuing professional development of yourself and others
          • SCDHSC0211 Support individuals to take part in development activities
          • SCDHSC0348 Support individuals to access learning, training and development opportunities
          • SCDHSC3110 Promote effective relationships with individuals
          • SFJGL102 Provide support and review achievements through mentoring/befriending
          • SFTMVD4 Provide one-to-one support to help volunteers develop
        • 2.2.2 Support the development of knowledge and practice of teams and agencies
          • GEN40 Contribute to the development of the multidisciplinary team and its members
          • PHS21 Develop capacity and capability to improve health and wellbeing
          • SFJ HF26 Contribute to the development and promotion of the organisation and its services
      • 2.3 Evaluate and appraise the performance of others
        • 2.3.1 Evaluate another's performance in the workplace
          • CLDLD08 Engage and support learners in the learning and development process
      • 3.1 Ensure an organisational approach to health and safety
        • INSML055 Provide healthy, safe and secure working environments and practices
        • PRO HSP1 Develop, implement and review the organisation's health and safety strategy
      • 3.2 Develop procedures to maintain health, safety and security
        • 3.2.1 Develop monitoring systems for health, safety and security policies, systems
          • CHS213 Implement an audit trail for managing waste within healthcare
          • PMWRV4 Develop effective policies and procedures for minimising the risk of violence to workers and review their effectiveness
          • PRO HSP10 Develop and implement health and safety emergency response systems and procedures
          • PRO HSP11 Develop and implement health and safety review systems
          • PRO HSP7 Develop, implement and review proactive monitoring systems for health and safety
          • PRO HSP8 Develop, implement and review reactive monitoring systems for health and safety
          • PRO HSP9 Develop and implement health and safety audits
        • 3.2.2 Develop systems to maintain health and safety
          • PMWRV11 Develop and maintain an effective management information system for incidents of violence at work
          • PRO HSS2 Develop procedures to safely control work operations
      • 3.3 Implement health, safety and security policies and systems
        • 3.3.1 Implement programmes to maintain health and safety
          • BSEBSE01 Apply health and safety and environmental legislation in the building services engineering sector
          • PMWRV5 Implement policy and procedures to reduce the risk of violence at work
        • 3.3.2 Manage programmes to remove, reduce or control risks to population health and well being
          • HP18 Engage and work collaboratively with a range of people and agencies to protect and improve population health and wellbeing
      • 3.4 Manage programmes to prevent adverse events that put the population's health and well being at risk
        • PHP17 Work in partnership with others to prevent the onset of adverse effects on health and wellbeing in populations
      • 3.5 Ensure health and safety requirements are met and others are protected within your area of responsibility
        • 3.5.1 Ensure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
          • COGLATA2-16 Follow aseptic procedures in the laboratory environment
          • COGPACK38 Work safely
          • FMH12 Manage hostility and risks with non-cooperative individuals, families and carers
          • GEN1 Ensure personal fitness for work
          • GEN96 Maintain health, safety and security practices within a health setting
          • IPC1.2022 Minimise the risk of spreading infection by cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining environments
          • IPC10.2022 Minimise the risk of spreading infection when transporting clean and used linen
          • IPC11.2022 Minimise the risk of spreading infection when laundering used linen
          • IPC12.2022 Minimise the risk of spreading infection when storing and using clean linen
          • IPC13.2022 Provide guidance, resources and support to enable staff to minimise the risk of spreading infection
          • IPC2.2022 Perform hand hygiene to prevent the spread of infection
          • IPC3.2022 Clean, disinfect and remove spillages of blood and other body fluids to minimise the risk of infection
          • IPC4 Minimise the risk of spreading infection by cleaning, disinfection and storing care equipment
          • IPC5.2022 Minimise the risk of exposure to blood and body fluids while providing care
          • IPC6.2022 Use personal protective equipment to prevent the spread of infection
          • IPC7.2022 Safely dispose of healthcare waste, including sharps, to prevent the spread of infection
          • IPC8.2022 Minimise the risk of spreading infection when transporting and storing health and care related waste
          • IPC9 Minimise the risk of spreading infection when removing used linen
          • OPTR5 Contribute to health and safety in the optical practice/store
          • PMWRV1 Make sure your actions contribute to a positive and safe working culture
          • PMWRV13 Make sure your own actions minimise the risk of aggressive communication
          • PMWRV3 Protect yourself and others from the risk of violence at work
          • PRO HSS1 Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
          • PROHSS1 Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
          • SCDHSC0022 Support the health and safety of yourself and individuals
          • SCDINSPE3 Act to secure the health, safety and wellbeing of individuals
          • SS03 Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the workplace
        • 3.5.2 Protect individuals from abuse
          • CS16.2015 Improve awareness of the potential harm or abuse of children and young people
          • CS17.2015 Ensure systems and procedures for safeguarding children and young people are implemented
          • CS18.2015 Recognise and respond to possible harm or abuse of children and young people
          • GEN134 Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour
          • OP10 Create an environment to protect older people from abuse
          • PMWRV12 Manage aggressive communication within an organisation
          • SCDHSC0024 Support the safeguarding of individuals
          • SCDHSC0034 Promote the safeguarding of children and young people
          • SCDHSC0035 Promote the safeguarding of individuals
          • SCDHSC0325 Contribute to the support of children and young people who have experienced harm or abuse
          • SCDHSC0335 Contribute to the support of individuals who have experienced harm or abuse
          • SCDHSC0395 Contribute to addressing situations where there is risk of danger, harm or abuse
          • SCDHSC0430 Lead practice to reduce and prevent the risk of danger, harm and abuse
          • SCDHSC0431 Support individuals who have experienced harm or abuse
          • SFSSLP12 Deal with disorderly and aggressive behaviour
          • SS09 Minimise and deal with aggressive and abusive behaviour
        • CLDAL15 Take responsibility for the safety and security of learners and environments
      • 3.6 Promote safe and effective working
        • FMH5 Minimise the risks to an individual and staff during clinical interventions and violent and aggressive episodes
        • INSML028 Promote and manage staff wellbeing
        • INSRM003 Raise awareness of risk management within an organisation
        • PMWRV14 Manage lone workers
        • PMWRV6 Promote a safe and positive culture in the workplace
        • PRO HSP13 Influence and keep pace with improvements in health and safety practice
        • PRO HSP2 Promote a positive health and safety culture
        • PRO HSP5 Develop and maintain individual and organisational competence in health and safety matters
        • PRO HSS9 Supervise health, safety and welfare of individuals at work
        • SCDHSC0032 Promote health, safety and security in the work setting
        • SCDHSC0042 Lead practice for health and safety in the work setting
      • 3.7 Monitor procedures to control risks to health and safety
        • DEC6 Monitor procedures and operate tracking systems and procedures
        • Diab CYP13 Ensure the safety of a child/young person with diabetes in school
        • FMH7 Prevent the entry or passing of banned and restricted items into a secure unit
        • PRO HSP6 Control health and safety risks
        • PRO HSS3 Control work operations safely
      • 3.8 Conduct an assessment of risks in the workplace
        • PMWRV2 Identify, assess and review the risk of violence to workers
        • SFSFRA1 Prepare for fire risk assessment
        • SFSFRA2 Undertake fire risk assessment
      • 3.9 Review health, safety and security procedures
        • INSRM001 Develop a risk management strategy
        • ISNRM002 Develop risk management policies and procedures
        • PRO HSS6 Conduct health and safety risk assessments of a workplace
        • SFSFRA3 Report on fire risk assessment and recommended actions
        • SFSFRA4 Review fire risk assessments
        • SFSFRA5 Audit the management of fire safety systems
      • 3.10 Investigate and respond to health and safety related incidents
        • 3.10.1 Investigate health and saftey related incidents
          • PMWRV9 Investigate and evaluate incidents of violence at work
          • PRO HSP12 Contribute to health and safety legal actions
        • 3.10.2 Respond to health and safety related incidents
          • INSRM005 Report, treat and monitor risks
          • PMWRV7 Resolve and evaluate work-related incidents
          • PMWRV8 Support individuals involved in violent incidents at work
      • 3.11 Evaluate the impact of health and saftey related incidents
        • PRO HSR3 Investigate work-related accidents, incidents, ill health reports and complaints for the purposes of health and safety regulation
      • 3.12 Evaluate and assess risks to health and wellbeing
        • 3.12.1 Evaluate policies and programmes to reduce or control risks to health and well being
          • INSRM006 Monitor and review risk management strategies, policies and processes
          • PRO HSP3 Develop and implement the health and safety policy
        • 3.12.2 Assess risks to population health and well being
          • INSRM004 Assess, analyse and evaluate risks
          • PHS06 Assess risks to the population's health and wellbeing and apply this to practice
      • 4.1 Determine priorities for improving services
        • CFABD4 Carry out a review of your business
        • INSBE025 Identify customer requirements for your business
        • MH62.2013 Identify the concerns, priorities and values of people and significant others in relation to their mental health and mental health needs
        • SCDCPC315 Contribute to establishing commissioning priorities and balancing demands on resources
      • 4.2 Develop strategies for improving services
        • CLDAL17 Develop and apply understanding of theory and effective practice in adult learning
        • GEN114 Develop and agree strategies to meet the health and wellbeing needs of a population
        • GEN53 Support the development of strategies to meet local needs for health care services
        • INSCS036 Develop customer service social networks
        • PSL8 Develop joint operational policies and care pathways
        • PSL9 Implement and evaluate joint operational policies and care pathways
        • SFJCPS 3.1 Develop commissioning policies and strategies
        • TECDT70142 Perform digital service transition
      • 4.3 Implement strategies for improving services
        • CFABD6 Make changes to improve your business
        • GEN117 Monitor, evaluate and improve processes for delivering health and wellbeing services to a population
        • GEN124 Lead the development of inter-agency services for addressing health and wellbeing needs
        • GEN125 Lead the implementation of inter-agency services for addressing health and wellbeing needs
        • SCDCPC407 Facilitate co-productive commissioning
      • 4.4 Monitor strategies for improving services
        • GEN121 Monitor and review changes in environments and practices to promote health and wellbeing
        • INSBA004 Develop and coordinate organisational performance
      • 4.5 Evaluate strategies for improving services
        • GEN56 Review strategies and plans to meet local needs for health care services
        • SCDCPC420 Decommission services to promote priority outcomes
      • 4.6 Promote service improvement
        • CFAEE4 Find innovative ways to improve your business
        • INSBA002 Contribute to innovation in a business environment
        • INSCS012 Deliver brand promise using social media
        • INSML015 Identify and evaluate opportunities for innovation and improvement
      • 4.7 Contribute to improving services
        • CFABES004 Maintain an effective relationship with the client
        • CS23.2015 Work with others to improve healthcare services for children, young people and those involved in their care
        • INSCS006 Provide customer support online
        • INSCS038 Promote continuous improvement
        • INSCS039 Improve customer relationships and services
        • MH66.2013 Assess how environments and practices can be maintained and improved to promote mental health
        • SCDINSPG1 Contribute to the improvement of services
        • TECDT70141 Deliver digital service design solutions
    • 5. QUALITY
      • 5.1 Maintain the quality of your own work
        • 5.1.1 Act within the limits of your competence and authority
          • GEN63 Act within the limits of your competence and authority
        • 5.1.2 Manage and organise your own time and activities
          • BDS6 Contribute to the promotion and effective functioning of blood and blood component sessions and services
          • CFA_BAG125 Contribute to solving business problems
          • CFA_BAG126 Plan how to solve business problems
          • CFA_BAG127 Solve business problems
          • CFA_BAG128 Evaluate and solve business problems
          • HT4 Manage and organise your own time and activities
          • INSBA003 Develop self and improve own performance in a business environment
          • INSBA005 Inform and support organisational decision-making
          • INSBA008 Undertake and support work practices in a business environment
          • INSBA009 Collaborate and provide support in a business environment
          • INSBA011 Support negotiations in a business environment
          • INSBA014 Communicate in a business environment
          • INSBE042 Research the background and experiences of your clients
          • INSBE051 Manage time in your business
          • INSML001 Manage yourself to achieve your work and personal objectives
          • PT32 Use the resources of a team in family and systemic therapy
          • SCDINSPC5 Manage personal caseload as an inspector
      • 5.2 Manage and develop quality assurance (QA) systems
        • 5.2.1 Ensure your organisation delivers quality services
          • CFAWB11 Decide how you will treat your business customers
          • CFAWB12 Deliver a good service to customers
          • CLDAL18 Comply with legal, regulatory and ethical requirements
          • GEN133 Manage a service which achieves the best possible outcomes for the individual
          • INSBE003 Evaluate and improve the quality of your products and services
          • INSBE016 Set and achieve goals for your business enterprise
          • SCDLMCSE3 Monitor and manage the quality of the provision of care services
          • SFJCPS 2.2 Review and evaluate current service provision
        • 5.2.2 Monitor the progress and quality of work within your area of responsibility
          • GEN68 Monitor compliance with quality systems
        • 5.2.3 Improve the quality of healthcare through audit and evaluation
          • PHS08 Improve the quality of health and healthcare interventions and services through audit and evaluation
          • SCDINSPD2 Plan investigation of service
        • 5.2.4 Establish quality policy and quality assurance systems for the delivery of a service or function
          • CHS198 Design quality assurance programmes in healthcare
          • GEN67 Establish quality policy and quality assurance systems for the delivery of a service or function
          • SCDINSPC2 Work with service providers to carry out self-assessment
          • SCDINSPE1 Promote compliance through use of regulatory framework
          • SCDINSPE2 Support compliance through legal procedures
        • 5.2.5 Evaluate the quality of healthcare services
          • CHS214 Undertake quality performance checks within healthcare activities
          • GEN126 Monitor, evaluate and improve inter-agency services for addressing health and wellbeing needs
          • SCDHSC0442 Evaluate the effectiveness of health, social or other care services
          • SCDINSPB1 Manage suitability for registration through evaluation of applications
          • SCDINSPD1 Evaluate information of concern received about provider services
          • SCDINSPD3 Contribute to investigation of service failures
          • SCDINSPF2 Work in partnership to carry out joint inspections
        • 5.2.6 Promote and manage continuous quality improvement
          • INSML018 Manage continuous improvement of overall performance of your organisation
          • INSML053 Manage quality assurance systems
          • SCDINSPC4 Manage challenges to inspection findings
          • TECDT70144 Maintain digital service quality
      • 5.3 Carry out and act on findings of audits and inspections
        • 5.3.1 Comply with an audit/inspection of data and information
          • HI10.2010 Comply with an external audit of data and information in a health context
        • 5.3.2 Facilitate the audit/inspection process
          • HI18.2010 Facilitate the clinical audit process
        • 5.3.3 Undertake the audit/inspection process
          • HI12.2010 Prepare, conduct and report the results of a clinical coding audit
          • INSML054 Carry out and participate in quality audits
          • SCDINSPC1 Plan inspection of services
          • SCDINSPC3 Inspect services
      • 6.1 Ensure your own actions support equality of opportunity and diversity
        • PT33 Explore differences across and within cultures in family and systemic therapy
        • PT44 Engage in issues of diversity and difference in humanistic therapy
        • SCDHSC0234 Uphold the rights of individuals
        • SS01 Foster people's equality, diversity and rights
      • 6.2 Promote equality of opportunity and diversity
        • CM D9 Challenge injustice and inequalities in access to mainstream provision for individuals with long term conditions
        • GEN108 Challenge injustice and inequalities in access to mainstream provision for people with specific health needs
        • GEN109 Promote peoples' rights and encourage them to recognise their responsibilities
        • INSML008 Promote equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion in your organisation
        • MH3.2013 Work with service providers to support people with mental health needs in ways which respect their values and promotes their rights
        • SCDHSC3111 Promote the rights and diversity of individuals
      • 6.3 Develop a culture that promotes equality of opportunity and diversity, and protects individuals
        • SCDHSC0044 Lead practice that promotes the safeguarding of children and young people
        • SCDHSC0045 Lead practice that promotes the safeguarding of individuals
        • SCDHSC0452 Lead practice that promotes the rights, responsibilities, equality and diversity of individuals
  • Specific Functions
      • A1 Assess populations and communities
        • A1.1 Plan health screening programmes
          • CHS226 Plan the implementation of screening programmes
          • PHP22 Work in partnership with communities to assess health and wellbeing and related needs
        • A1.2 Manage health screening programmes
          • CHS227 Conduct health screening programmes
          • PHP24 Work in partnership with communities to implement policies, strategies, services, programmes and interventions to improve health and wellbeing
          • PHS04 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate disease prevention and screening programmes to improve the population's health and wellbeing
      • A2 Assess Individuals and agree appropriate action
        • A2.1 Plan assessment of an individual's health status
          • CH Ac2 Prepare to assess the client for acupuncture
          • CHD EF2 Plan to assess people with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and those at significant risk of developing CHD
          • CHS38 Plan assessment of an individual's health status
          • CHS52 Plan inter-disciplinary assessment of the health and well-being of individuals
          • CS2.2015 Work with children and young people to agree the nature and purpose of assessment of their health and well-being
          • CS4.2015 Plan multi-disciplinary assessment of the health and well-being of children and young people
          • PT37 Explore the possibility of humanistic therapy with the client
          • RenLD3 Introduce the prospective living donor and their family to the assessment programme
          • RenLD7 Obtain test data on potential living donors from long distance or overseas
        • A2.2 Co-ordinate assessment of the health of individuals
          • CHS105 Agree the nature and purpose of investigation into an individual's health status
          • END04 Schedule endoscopic procedures for individuals
          • EUSC03 Coordinate further assessments and investigations of an individual prior to initiation of an intervention
        • A2.3 Assess an individual with a suspected health condition
          • AE1.2014 Test for alcohol and other substance use
          • AL2 Recognise when to consider allergy in an individual
          • AL3 Assess the likelihood of allergy in an individual
          • AL4 Confirm or exclude allergy for an individual referred from primary care
          • AL5 Diagnose an individual's severe and potentially severe, complex, multi system allergies
          • AL6 Perform a challenge test for allergy
          • AL7 Perform a skin prick test procedure
          • CC01 Assess bladder and bowel dysfunction
          • CH Ac3 Assess the client for acupuncture
          • CH HM1 Assess the needs of the client
          • CH K1 Assess the needs of the client (Kinesiology)
          • CHEM13.2011 Undertake an assessment or re-assessment of a patient for anti-cancer therapy
          • CHS118 Form a professional judgement of an individual's health condition
          • CHS168 Obtain case history
          • CHS217 Perform point of care testing
          • CHS229 Assess individuals' needs and circumstances and evaluate the risk of abuse, failure to protect and harm to self and others
          • CHS39 Assess an individual's health status
          • CHS40 Establish a diagnosis of an individual's health condition
          • CHS60 Assess individuals with long term conditions
          • CM A1 Obtain information to inform the assessment of an individual
          • CS3.2015 Work with children and young people to assess their health and well-being
          • Diab CYP01 Identify symptoms of diabetes in a child or young person and refer them for further assessment
          • Diab CYP02 Assess a child/young person with symptoms of diabetes and make a diagnosis
          • Diab GA1 Assess and advise individuals with suspected diabetes
          • Diab GA2 Assess and investigate individuals with suspected diabetes
          • Diab HC7 Assess the eye for evidence of disease or abnormality using slit-lamp biomicroscopy
          • Diab PD11 Assess a woman for gestational diabetes and make a diagnosis
          • Diab TT02 Assess individuals with symptom of diabetes and make a diagnosis
          • DYS1 Undertake protocol-guided swallow screening / assessments
          • DYS2 Undertake a comprehensive dysphagia assessment
          • DYS3 Undertake a specialist dysphagia assessment
          • EC05 Assess and determine the health status and health care needs of adults presenting for emergency assistance
          • EC07 Assess and determine the health status and needs of children or young people presenting for emergency assistance
          • EC11A Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with breathlessness
          • EC11B Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with bleeding and fluid loss
          • EC11C Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with pain
          • EC11D Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with tissue trauma
          • EC11E Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with skin rashes/ dermatological features
          • EC11F Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with toxic ingestion
          • EC11G Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with altered consciousness, dizziness, faints and fits
          • EC11H Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with altered behaviour
          • EC11I Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with fever
          • EC11J Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance as the result of a fall
          • EC11K Investigate and diagnose an individual presenting for emergency assistance with ear, nose and throat problems
          • EC11L Investigate and diagnose an unwell older person presenting for emergency assistance
          • EC11M Investigate and diagnose an unwell child or young person presenting for emergency assistance
          • FMH1 Assess, diagnose and formulate an individual's mental health disorder
          • GTC9 Use genomic information in clinical decision-making
          • PT14 Derive an analytic/dynamic formulation
          • PT26 Develop a formulation in family and systemic therapy
          • S3 Assess individuals with suspected stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
          • SFJCD202 Assess, prioritise and manage emergency service calls
          • SFJGAM003 Prepare, conduct and complete a comprehensive gambling-related harm assessment interview
          • SKANSC14 Carry out a thorough skin analysis using technologies
        • A2.4 Assess an individual's needs arising from their health status
          • AF2.2012 Carry out assessment to identify and prioritise needs in a substance misuse setting
          • AF3.2014 Carry out comprehensive assessment for alcohol and other substances
          • CHD FG2 Assess individuals' state of physical health and fitness and define the appropriate risk stratification for cardiac rehabilitation
          • CHD HA9 Assess individuals' needs and abilities before planning exercise and physical activities
          • CHS152 Assess an individuals communication skills and abilities
          • CHS178 Determine investigations required to meet clinical need
          • CHS216.2014 Assess an individual's capabilities for rehabilitation and/or assistive technology
          • CHS86 Assess individual's psychological, social and emotional needs for rehabilitation
          • CM A2 Establish an individual's functional capabilities in the context of long term conditions clinical management
          • CM C2 Assess the healthcare needs of individuals with long term conditions and agree care plans
          • CM D1 Identify mental health needs and related issues
          • CS32 Carry out comprehensive assessment for children and young people who use alcohol and other substances
          • CVD EF3 Carry out assessment with individuals at risk of developing Cardiovascular Disease
          • Diab CYP20 Assess the need for a child/young person with Type 2 diabetes to start insulin therapy
          • Diab ED02 Assess a man with diabetes for erectile dysfunction
          • Diab HA11 Assess the need for an individual to start insulin therapy
          • Diab HA3 Examine the feet of an individual with diabetes and advise on care
          • Diab HA4 Assess the feet of individuals with diabetes and provide advice on maintaining healthy feet and managing foot problems
          • Diab IPT01 Assess the suitability of insulin pump therapy for an individual with Type 1 diabetes
          • EC10 Establish an individual's functional capabilities in the context of an emergency presentation
          • FMH8 Assess and formulate an individual's needs for forensic mental health treatment and care
          • GEN75 Collaborate in the assessment of the need for, and the provision of, environmental and social support in the community
          • HPC2 Advise on the fitness of individuals to be detained in police custody
          • HPC3 Advise on the fitness of individuals for police interview
          • HPC4 Advise on the fitness of individuals for travel, transfer or release from police custody
          • LTCN9 Conduct clinical examinations of individuals with neurological conditions
          • MCN2.2015 Assess the health and well-being of women and their babies during pregnancy
          • MCN3.2015 Assess the health and well-being of women and their babies during labour and birth
          • MCN4.2015 Assess the health and wellbeing of women during the postnatal period
          • MCN5.2015 Assess the health and well-being of babies
          • MH14.2013 Identify potential mental health needs and related issues
          • MH18.2012 Identify the physical health needs of individuals with mental health needs
          • PE3 Work with individuals to evaluate their health status and needs
          • RenDD8 Take the potential donor's medical and social history
          • RenLD24 Monitor and assess the living donor long-term
          • RenRM1 Review and examine a patient with chronic kidney disease and arrange investigations
          • RenRM3 Diagnose co-morbid disease in a patient with established renal failure
          • RenRM5 Assess physical complications of established renal failure
          • RenRM7 Recognise, assess and manage acute episodes of illness in a renal patient
          • SCDHSC0036 Contribute to the assessment and planning process with children and young people
          • SCDHSC0414 Assess individual preferences and needs
          • SFJGAM002 Identify and respond to immediate needs relating to gambling-related harm
        • A2.5 Agree courses of action following assessment
          • CHS45 Agree courses of action following assessment to address health and wellbeing needs of individuals
          • CHS77 Discuss transplantation as an option
          • CHS84 Develop and agree care management plans with individuals diagnosed with long term conditions
          • END05 Agree endoscopic procedures for individuals
          • EUSC05 Review presenting conditions and determine the appropriate intervention for the individual
          • MCN6.2015 Agree courses of action following assessment of the health and well-being of women and their babies
          • MH20.2013 Use a recovery focused approach in working alongside the person with mental health needs and agree plans to meet their needs
          • RenLD9 Review and evaluate results with colleagues and the prospective living donor
          • RenRM2 Agree a care plan with a patient with chronic kidney disease
          • RenRM4 Agree and monitor a plan to manage a renal patient's co-morbid disease
          • RenRM6 Agree and monitor a plan to manage complications of established renal failure
          • SFJCD203 Deploy resources to respond to emergency situations and incidents
        • A2.6 Identify individuals at risk of developing health needs
          • AF1.2012 Carry out screening and referral assessment in a substance misuse setting
          • CHD EF5 Monitor and evaluate programmes to identify and assess individuals with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and those at significant risk of developing CHD
          • CHS42 Identify individuals with or at risk of developing long term conditions or related ill health
          • Diab PD10 Identify symptoms of gestational diabetes and refer a woman for further assessment
          • Diab TT01 Identify symptoms of diabetes and refer individuals for further assessment
          • GTC2.2014 Identify individuals with, or at risk of, genetic conditions
          • GTC6.2014 Assess the genetic risk associated with a condition
          • S2 Assess individuals risk of stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
          • SFJGAM001 Identify indicators of gambling-related harm in individuals and signpost to appropriate sources of help
        • A2.7 Undertake a risk assessment in relation to a defined health need
          • AB5.2014 Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to individuals who have used alcohol and other substances
          • CHS230 Assess the need for intervention and present assessments of individuals' needs and related risks
          • CHS4 Undertake tissue viability risk assessment for individuals
          • CHS46 Assess risks associated with health conditions
          • Diab DF01 Undertake advanced examination and risk assessment of the feet of an individual with diabetes
          • FMH3 Observe an individual who presents a significant imminent risk to themselves or others
          • FMH4 Support an individual to reduce the risk and impact of self-harming behaviour
          • FMH6 Agree a change in the level of security applying to an individual
          • HAS3.1 Examine the feet of an individual with diabetes and assess risk status
          • RenDD9 Assess the infection risks of the potential deceased donor
        • A2.8 Prioritise treatment and care for individuals according to their health status and needs
          • CHS121 Prioritise treatment and care for individuals according to their health status and needs
          • TEL1 Prioritise individuals for treatment and care
        • A2.9 Assess individual's suitability for a treatment or intervention
          • CHS110 Assess individuals' suitability to undergo imaging procedure
          • CHS120 Establish an individual's suitability to undergo an intervention
          • PT01 Assess the client for cognitive and behavioural therapy
          • PT12 Assess the likely suitability of analytic/ dynamic therapy for the client
          • RenAT12 Assess if recipient is well enough for the transplant operation and carry out tests
          • RenRL3 Assess whether home haemodialysis is feasible for a patient
      • B1 Obtain valid consent
        • B1.1 Obtain valid consent for interventions or investigations
          • CHS167 Obtain valid consent or authorisation
          • HPC1 Obtain valid consent for healthcare interventions in a custodial setting
      • B2 Obtain information
        • B2.1 Obtain information from individuals about their health status and needs
          • BDS13 Determine the individual's requirements and obtain information related to potential donation of blood or blood components
          • CHD HO1 Establish the details of the individual needing care
          • CHS169 Comply with legal requirements for maintaining confidentiality in healthcare
          • CNH1 Explore and establish the client's needs for complementary and natural healthcare.
          • CNH15 Explore and evaluate with individuals factors relating to their health and well-being within the context of homeopathy
          • CNH16 Integrate and evaluate information about individuals' health and well-being within the context of homeopathy
          • PT24 Undertake an assessment for family and systemic therapy
        • B2.2 Obtain information from indirect sources about an individual's health status and needs
          • Diab CYP10 Gather and evaluate information to establish the healthcare needs of children and young people with diabetes
          • EUSC02 Obtain supporting information to inform the assessment of an individual
        • B2.3 Request investigations to provide information on an individual's health status and needs
          • CHS106 Request imaging investigations to provide information on an individual's health status and needs
          • GTC7.2014 Organise a test that uses genetic technologies
        • B2.4 Investigate factors influencing an individual's health status
          • GTC3.2014 Gather multi-generational family history information
          • GTC4.2014 Use multi-generational family history information to draw a pedigree
          • GTC5.2014 Recognise a mode of inheritance in a family
        • B2.5 Undertake triage
          • EUSC07 Prioritise individuals for further assessment, treatment and care
      • B3 Plan/organise actions to maximise the health of individuals
        • B3.1 Plan actions to address an individual's health care needs
          • B3.1.1 Plan activities, interventions or treatments to achieve specified health goals
            • AL12 Provide an individual with a treatment plan to manage acute allergic episodes
            • AL16 Optimise allergy treatment for an individual with a multi system condition
            • AL9 Design a management package for an individual at risk of an acute allergic reaction
            • CH Ac4 Agree action with the client (acupuncture)
            • CH Ac5 Formulate the acupuncture treatment plan
            • CH HM2 Provide a treatment and management plan to meet the needs of the client
            • CHD HA10 Plan exercise and physical activities with individuals to meet their needs and abilities
            • CHS112 Select imaging techniques/procedures for individual investigation
            • CHS119 Select assessment and investigative techniques/procedures to meet individuals' needs
            • CHS41 Determine a treatment plan for an individual
            • CHS44 Plan activities, interventions and treatments to achieve specified health goals
            • CHS87 Agree rehabilitation plans with individuals, families, carers and other professionals
            • CHS93 Agree a dietary plan for patients with a specified medical condition
            • CHS97 Organise a programme of support following withdrawal from treatment
            • CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
            • CS5.2015 Develop care plans with children and young people
            • Diab CYP11 Agree individualised care plans with children and young people to manage diabetes
            • Diab HA1 Assess the healthcare needs of individuals with diabetes and agree care plans
            • Diab PD07 Agree and support care plans to help women manage their diabetes during labour and immediately following delivery
            • Diab PD13 Agree care plans with women who have gestational diabetes
            • DYS4 Develop a dysphagia care plan
            • EUSC08 Prioritise the interventions to be performed for an individual
            • FMH9 Develop and review an integrated care programme for an individual in forensic mental health care
            • GEN112 Work with people to identify their needs for safety, support and engagement and how these needs can best be addressed
            • LTCN11 Agree and plan the provision of interventions for managing neurological conditions
            • MCN12.2015 Develop and agree individualised care plans for babies and families
            • MCN7.2015 Develop and agree individualised antenatal care plans
            • MCN8.2015 Develop and agree individualised care plans for labour and birth
            • MCN9.2015 Develop and agree individualised postnatal care plans
            • MH23.2013 Review the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions with people with mental health needs
            • MH97 Identify models of personality and mind development in relation to the client in counselling and develop appropriate intervention
            • MH98 Prepare, discuss and agree a plan for counselling therapy
            • MH99 Establish and agree the therapeutic contract
            • PT02 Develop a formulation and treatment plan with the client in cognitive and behavioural therapy
            • PT07 Agree goals for cognitive and behavioural therapy with the client
            • PT08 Match the structure and pace of cognitive and behavioural therapy sessions to the needs of the client
            • R2 Outline anatomical structure to agreed protocols
            • R3 Outline clinical target volumes
            • R4 Produce treatment parameters for standard individual patient external beam radiotherapy using a planning computer
            • R8 Check parameters for innovative plans and reconcile inconsistencies in standard plan checks
            • RenAT4 Prepare pre- and post-transplant care and arrangements with the patient
            • RenLD23 Plan continuing long-term care for overseas and long-distance living donors
            • RenLD5 Help the potential living donor and recipient to plan the transplantation
            • RenRR2 Evaluate the patient's capabilities regarding their proposed renal replacement therapy
            • RenRR3 Agree plans for the patient's renal replacement therapy
            • RenTP2 Plan immunosuppressive drugs, other medications and treatments
            • RenTP21 Plan care for a patient with deteriorating renal function post-transplant
            • S4 Develop management plans for individuals with stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
            • SCDHSC0329 Support individuals to plan, monitor and review the delivery of services
            • SCDHSC0450 Develop risk management plans to promote independence in daily living
          • B3.1.2 Enable individuals to make health choices and decisions
            • AL14 Advise an individual on exposure to allergens
            • CHD ED3 Encourage behaviour and activities that reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
            • CHD EE1 Enable individuals to understand and reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
            • CHS63 Enable individuals with long term conditions to manage their symptoms
            • CHS64 Enable individuals to manage changes in their long term conditions
            • CHS65 Enable individuals with long term conditions to respond to acute episodes
            • CM C3 Enable individuals with long term conditions to make informed choices concerning their health and well-being
            • CS20 Enable children and young people to understand their health and well-being
            • Diab PD02 Agree care plans to help women with diabetes prepare for a safe and healthy pregnancy
            • Diab PD05 Agree new care plans for women with diabetes who are pregnant
            • GEN106 Enable individuals and families to identify factors affecting, and options for, optimising their health and well-being
            • MH22.2013 Maintain active continuing contact with people with mental health needs and work alongside them in their recovery journey
            • PE1 Enable individuals to make informed health choices and decisions
            • PT04 Enable the client to understand the rationale for cognitive and behavioural therapy
            • RenAT13 Enable the patient to assess the risks and benefits of the organ available and obtain their consent
            • RenAT14 Help a patient resolve last-minute doubts about transplantation
            • RenAT3 Help the patient investigate possible living donors
            • RenAT7 Help the patient recognise when they should be suspended from the National Transplant Register
            • RenDD7 Explain the procedures and benefits of donation and transplantation
            • RenLD1 Promote the benefits and experience of living donation
            • RenLD2 Enable potential living donors to understand the donation process and the possible implications for them
            • RenLD4 Enable a potential living donor to consider their decision whether or not to donate
            • RenOP3 Enable patients and their families to understand established renal failure and its treatment
            • RenRM8 Help the patient to understand and self-manage renal anaemia
            • RenRR1 Help the patient to evaluate the different renal replacement therapy options
            • RenRR4 Enable a renal patient to make an informed choice about vascular access
            • RenRR9 Assess a patient's decision to withdraw from Renal Replacement Therapy
            • RenTP9 Enable the patient and families to understand the post-transplant condition, its impact and its treatment
          • B3.1.3 Review and modify plans to address specified health goals
            • AL15 Optimise an individual's nutritional status and dietary management of their food allergy
            • AL19 Identify persistence, resolution and development of food and food-related allergy
            • Diab HD7 Monitor and support a care plan for an individual with diabetes admitted to a general ward
            • Diab HD8 Review and evaluate the progress of a care plan for an individual with diabetes admitted to a general ward and prepare for discharge
            • Diab PD03 Support and review care plans to help women with diabetes prepare for a safe and healthy pregnancy
            • MH21.2013 Support people with mental health needs in crisis situations
            • RenAT2 Assess and review the patient's suitability for transplantation
            • RenRL4 Review with patients whether dialysis arrangements are working
            • RenTP4 Assess and plan care for a patient with potentially reversible renal rejection
          • B3.1.4 Agree changes to interventions and treatments
            • CHS32 Agree and implement changes to the dialysis therapy
            • PT11 Conclude cognitive and behavioural therapy with the client
            • PT23 Enable the client to move on at the end of analytic/dynamic therapy
            • PT36 Manage the ending of family and systemic therapy
            • PT48 Manage the conclusion of the humanistic therapeutic relationship
        • B3.2 Develop procedures to improve healthcare services
          • B3.2.1 Develop clinical protocols for the delivery of healthcare services
            • CHS128 Develop evidence-based clinical guidelines
            • CHS170 Develop clinical protocols for delivery of services
            • PHARM53.2011 Develop clinical protocols for the delivery of anti-cancer therapy
          • B3.2.2 Develop procedures for delivery of healthcare services
            • CHS171 Develop procedures for delivery of services
            • RAD15 Develop a framework for professional, scientific, technical and legislative support for Radiopharmacy
          • B3.2.3 Develop and optimise methods and techniques for the delivery of healthcare services
            • CHS172 Develop and optimise methods and techniques for delivery of services
          • B3.2.4 Develop care pathways for patient management
            • CHS124 Manage and support the progress of individuals through patient pathways
            • CHS173 Develop care pathways for patient management
          • B3.2.5 Arrange services and support with other healthcare and service providers
            • CHS98 Arrange services and support with other health care providers
            • GEN38 Arrange access to services identified in the individual's rehabilitation plan
        • B3.3 Prepare for health interventions
          • B3.3.1 Prepare and dress for specified health care roles
            • GEN2 Prepare and dress for work in healthcare settings
            • PCS13 Prepare and dress for scrubbed clinical roles
          • B3.3.2 Prepare individuals for health care actions
            • CHS90 Transfer the living donor to the ward
            • END07 Prepare individuals for endoscopic procedures
            • EUSC53 Conduct a pre-intervention assessment of an individual
            • GEN4 Prepare individuals for healthcare activities
            • PCS15 Assist in the preparation of individuals for operative and clinically invasive procedures
            • RenAT10 Enable the patient to optimise pre-transplant health
            • RenAT15 Care for and support the patient before transplant surgery
            • RenLD16 Prepare the living organ donor for admission to the ward
            • RenTP1 Prepare with the patient their care and monitoring
          • B3.3.3 Move and position individuals
            • CHS6 Move and position individuals
            • END08 Position individuals during endoscopic procedures
            • SCDHSC0223 Contribute to moving and positioning individuals
          • B3.3.4 Prepare environments and resources for use in health care activities
            • CHD FC2 Prepare equipment for monitoring the individual during angiography/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
            • CHD HA12 Prepare the environment for an exercise session and restore it after use
            • END06 Prepare the delivery of endoscopic procedures
            • GEN6 Manage environments and resources for use during healthcare activities
            • OH1.2025 Prepare and maintain safe working practices in clinical dental environments
            • PCS14 Prepare surgical instrumentation and supplementary items for the surgical team
            • PCS19 Prepare equipment for intra-operative blood salvage collection
            • PCS21 Prepare equipment for processing intra-operative salvaged blood
            • RAD3 Prepare working environment for manufacture and dispensing of radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products
          • B3.3.5 Monitor and manage the environment and resources during and after health care actions
            • EUSC51 Operate equipment required to support an intervention
            • GEN30 Manage patient flow
            • GEN37 Schedule theatre and staff time for living organ donation
            • GEN7 Monitor and manage the environment and resources during and after healthcare activities
            • MCN18.2015 Operate equipment for the care of babies
            • PCS2 Contribute to the safe use of medical devices in the perioperative environment
            • SCDHSC0243 Support the safe use of materials and equipment
          • B3.3.6 Support others in providing health care actions
            • CHD FC3 Assist the registered practitioner during angiography/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
            • END09 Assist colleagues during endoscopic procedures
            • GEN8 Assist the practitioner to implement healthcare activities
            • OH3.2025 Provide chairside support during oral health assessment procedures
            • OH5.2025 Provide chairside support during periodontal and restorative procedures
            • OH6.2025 Provide chairside support during prosthetic procedures
            • OH7.2025 Provide chairside support during endodontic procedures
            • OH8.2025 Provide chairside support during extraction and minor oral surgery procedures
            • PCS16 Provide surgical instrumentation and items for the surgical team and maintain the sterile field
            • PCS24 Perform the non-scrubbed circulating role for perioperative procedures
            • PCS25 Carry out delegated activities in the anaesthetic environment/Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU)
          • B3.3.7 Prepare intervention materials
            • CHS102 Prepare to administer transfusion of blood / blood products to patients
            • GEN57 Collect blood / blood products from storage for transfusion
            • PHARM21.2016 Prepare documentation and materials for the production of aseptic products
          • B3.3.8 Perform dose calculations
        • B3.4 Receive requests and refer individuals to sources of healthcare assistance
          • B3.4.1 Receive and direct requests for health care assistance using protocols and guidelines
            • CH Ac1 Evaluate and process requests for acupuncture
            • CHS59 Respond to referrals of individuals with health conditions
            • GEN58 Receive requests for assistance, treatment or care
            • GEN59 Direct requests for assistance, care or treatment using protocols and guidelines
          • B3.4.2 Refer individuals to services for treatment and care
            • AA1.2014 Recognise problematic use of alcohol or other substances and refer individuals to services
            • CHS99 Refer individuals to specialist sources of assistance in meeting their health care needs
            • END03 Refer individuals for endoscopic procedures
            • FMH17 Transfer an individual to another secure setting
            • FMH2 Find an individual a place in secure services
            • GEN123 Work with others to facilitate the transfer of individuals between agencies and services
            • HAS3.2 Provide advice and referral to help individuals with diabetes care for their feet
            • MCN19.2015 Manage the transfer of babies between care settings
            • RenRL5 Help patients to transfer between satellite and hospital dialysis units
            • SCDHSC0386 Assist in the transfer of individuals between agencies and services
        • B3.5 Discharge Individuals
          • B3.5.1 Prepare a discharge plan
            • CHS122 Prepare a discharge plan with individuals
            • CS10.2015 Prepare a discharge or transfer plan with children and young people and those involved in their care
          • B3.5.2 Carry out actions from a discharge plan
            • GEN16 Inform an individual of discharge arrangements
            • GEN17 Contribute to the discharge of an individual into the care of another service
            • GEN28 Discharge and transfer individuals from a service or your care
        • B3.6 Monitor the effectiveness of health care provided to individuals
          • B3.6.1 Monitor individuals following treatments
            • CHD FE1 Programme and monitor implanted antiarrhythmic devices
            • CHS47 Monitor and assess patients following treatments
          • B3.6.2 Monitor an individual's progress in managing health conditions
            • CHD HA11 Monitor and evaluate individuals' exercise and physical activities
            • CHD HA6 Monitor and evaluate individuals' attempts at eating healthily to protect the heart
            • CHD HL4 Monitor individuals' self-testing
            • CHS146 Monitor individuals' progress in relation to managing their body weight and nutrition
            • CHS149 Monitor and review individuals' progress in relation to maintaining optimum nutritional status
            • CHS160 Assist others to monitor individuals' attempts at managing dysphagia
            • CHS55 Facilitate the individual's management of their condition and treatment plan
            • CHS85 Review and evaluate care management plans with individuals diagnosed with long term conditions
            • CHS92 Review and monitor a patient's nutritional wellbeing
            • CS24.2015 Contribute to meeting the nutritional needs of babies, children and young people
            • OP S8 Monitor individuals diagnosed with stroke
            • PT35 Monitor and review progress in family and systemic therapy
      • B4 Evaluate actions taken to maximise the health of individuals
        • B4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of specified interventions
          • CC05 Undertake a trial without catheter
          • CH Ac8 Evaluate the effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment and self care
          • CH Ac9 Review the acupunture and evaluate the case
          • CHS31 Assess and agree the efficacy of the dialysis therapy
          • CS14.2015 Evaluate interventions with children and young people, and those involved in their care
        • B4.2 Evaluate the delivery of care plans to meet the needs of individuals
          • CHS53 Evaluate the delivery of care plans to meet the needs of individuals
          • CNH19 Review and evaluate homeopathic treatment, case management and practice development
          • CS31 Review and evaluate the effectiveness of care plans in meeting the health and well-being needs of children and young people
          • MCN11.2015 Review and revise individualised maternity care plans
        • B4.3 Evaluate treatment plans with individuals and those involved in their care
          • CC07 Review catheter care
          • CHS233 Contribute to the assessment of needs and the planning, evaluation and review of individualised programmes of care for individuals
          • CHS89 Evaluate treatment plans with individuals and those involved in their care
      • B5 Obtain and manage biomedical and environmental samples
        • B5.1 Obtain specimens from individuals
          • CHEM12 Undertake aspiration of the bone marrow
          • CHS131 Obtain and test capillary blood samples
          • CHS132 Obtain venous blood samples
          • CHS194 Extract DNA/RNA for analysis
          • CHS24 Carry out arterial puncture and collect arterial blood
          • CHS25 Carry out blood collection from fixed or central lines
          • CHS37 Obtain cervical cytology samples from individuals
          • CHS7 Obtain and test specimens from individuals
          • CHS82 Carry out image guided biopsies
          • CYST2 Undertake biopsy using a flexible cystoscope
          • END14 Collect specimens through the use of endoscopic procedures
          • HCS17 Obtain specimens from individuals for laboratory investigation
          • HPC8 Obtain and handle forensic samples
          • HPC9 Obtain forensic samples from individuals detained under road traffic legislation
          • M5.2019 Undertake biopsy of breast tissue using imaging
          • PB2 Undertake trans-rectal ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate
          • PCS17 Receive and handle clinical specimens within the sterile field
        • B5.2 Collect food, water and environmental specimens
          • CHS180 Collect food, water and environmental specimens
        • B5.3 Package biomedical/clinical parcels for transportation
          • BDS9 Prepare the documentation, donations and samples for transport
          • CHS181 Package biomedical specimens, samples and donations prior to transportation
          • CHS182 Transport specimens/samples
          • GEN24 Despatch biomedical samples
        • B5.4 Check biomedical samples/specimens to ensure suitability for analysis
          • CHS183 Receive specimens for preparation
        • B5.5 Prepare specimens/samples for analysis
          • CHS185 Perform basic specimen/sample preparation
          • CHS188 Prepare culture media and solutions
          • CHS189 Perform Quality Control of culture media and solutions
          • CHS191 Stain specimens and samples
          • HCS8 Prepare specimens /samples for biological investigations
          • PCS10 Carry out delegated activities in receiving, handling and dispatching clinical specimens
      • B6 Investigate specimens and samples using diagnostic procedures
        • BDS12 Test venous blood samples at blood donation sessions
        • CHS190 Investigate at a microscopic level
        • CHS192 Perform standard tests using an automated analyser
        • CHS193 Perform standard tests using manual methodologies or commercial kits
        • HCS10 Determine compatibility of transfusion or transplantation products
        • HCS14 Investigate specimens/samples at a microscopic level
        • HCS9 Investigate biological specimens and samples
      • B7 Interpret and report on findings from investigations
        • AL8 Interpret tests to check allergy diagnosis
        • CHS220 Provide clinical interpretation from investigations
        • CHS221 Report results from healthcare investigations
        • CHS83 Interpret the findings of healthcare investigations
        • END19 Provide reports on endoscopic procedures
        • HPC5 Provide forensic examination and interpretation of injuries
      • B8 Conduct investigations on an individual
        • B8.1 Undertake physiological measurements
          • CHS19 Undertake routine clinical measurements
        • B8.2 Investigate system/organ function
          • CC10 Assess residual urine by use of portable ultrasound
          • CHS130 Perform routine Electrocardiograph (ECG) Procedures
          • CHS134 Undertake vision screening
          • CHS18 Undertake a newborn hearing screen
          • CHS20 Undertake examination of the external ear
          • CHS21 Undertake assessment of an individual's hearing
          • CHS54 Verify an expected death
          • CHS96 Confirm a patient's death by brain stem testing
          • CI.H.2019 Insert and remove a catheter or cannula for the introduction of contrast agents for imaging procedures
          • CYST1 Undertake diagnostic and surveillance cystoscopy using a flexible cystoscope
          • END12 Perform diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures
          • END13 Identify signs of abnormality revealed by endoscopic procedures
          • HCS5 Investigate the structure function or performance of an organ or physiological system
          • M9.2019 Undertake a clinical examination of the breast
          • OPTR13 Carry out routine optical screening procedures
          • PB1 Undertake a digital rectal examination of the prostate
          • RenTP18 Monitor and assess the kidney function and health of the transplanted patient
      • B9 Obtain images and impressions and interpret for diagnostic purposes
        • B9.1 Obtain images and impressions of organs and tissues
          • CHD FD1 Produce fluoroscopic images of the chest area
          • CHS107 Acquire Magnetic Resonance images for diagnostic purposes
          • CHS108 Administer contrast media to increase information provided by diagnostic imaging
          • CHS195 Undertake ultrasound guided interventional procedures
          • CHS218 Obtain images to assist healthcare interventions
          • CI.A.2019 Produce conventional radiographic images for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.A6.2019 Produce conventional radiographic images for diagnostic purposes using mobile imaging equipment
          • CI.C.2019 Perform, interpret and report on ultrasound examinations
          • CI.D.2019 Produce Computed Tomography (CT) scanning images for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.E.2019 Produce Magnetic Resonance images (MRI) for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.F.2019 Produce images using fluoroscopy
          • CI.I Perform image guided procedures and/or interventions
          • CI.J Produce Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) images for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.K Produce Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance images (PET/MRI) for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.L Produce Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT/CT) images for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.M Produce dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans for diagnostic purposes
          • CI.N Produce forensic images of children for signs of suspected physical abuse
          • CI.O Produce forensic images of the deceased
          • Diab HC4 Obtain images of the retina
          • GEN73 Prepare and reproduce permanent radiographic images
          • M11.2019 Obtain radiographic images of breast specimens
          • M2.2019 Produce routine radiographic images of the breast
          • M8.2019 Produce supplementary and additional mammographic images
          • OH10.2022 Take a direct shade of an individual’s tissues to produce a match for dental prosthetic devices
          • OH11 2022 Take a direct face bow record for a dental procedure
          • OH12 2022 Take an oral tracing registration
          • OH4.2025 Contribute to producing dental radiographic images
          • OH9 2022 Take a direct oral impression of an individual to produce an analogue or cast
          • R1 Acquire images, data and reference material for radiotherapy processes
        • B9.2 Check suitability of acquired images for diagnostic purposes
          • CHS111 Assess suitability of acquired images for diagnostic purposes
        • B9.3 Produce a clinical interpretation of acquired images
          • CHS109 Produce a clinical interpretation of acquired images
          • CI.B.2019 Interpret and report on imaging examinations
          • Diab HC5 Assess images of the fundus for evidence of disease
          • Diab HC6 Assess images of the fundus to establish the degree of diabetic retinopathy or other abnormality
          • M3.2019 Review mammography images for the presence of abnormalities and make recommendations for further action
          • R10 Analyse and interpret treatment verification images
      • B10 Act to maintain life in emergency situations
        • B10.1 Provide life support
          • CHS123 Perform advanced life support for an adult
          • EC17 Provide intermediate life support
        • B10.2 Provide first aid to an individual
          • CHD HB1 Recognise indications of heart conditions and take appropriate action
          • CHS35 Provide first aid to an individual needing emergency assistance
          • CHS36 Provide basic life support
        • B10.3 Perform defibrillation
          • EC18 Perform automated external defibrillation
          • EC19 Perform manual external defibrillation on an adult or older person
          • EC20 Perform manual external defibrillation on a child or young person
        • B10.4 Manage emergency situations
          • CHS163 Manage Emergency Situations
          • CHS228 Control adverse events which arise during an individual's healthcare procedure
          • CS25.2015 Recognise and manage adverse signs and symptoms in babies, children and young people
          • Diab HD4 Identify hypoglycaemic emergencies and help others manage them
          • EC31 Manage major emergency situations
          • EUSC17 Manage emergency situations that occur as a result of an EUSC intervention
          • GEN60 Support individuals during emergency situations
          • SFJ_CCAB1 Anticipate and assess the risk of emergencies
          • SFJ_CCAF2 Warn, inform and advise communities about emergencies
          • SFJ_CCAH1 Provide on-going support to meet the needs of individuals affected by emergencies
        • B10.5 Manage major incidents and situations
          • CHS125 Play a designated role within the response to a major incident
          • EC34 Organise emergency reception and treatment services following a major incident
          • SFJ_CCAG1 Respond to emergencies as a part of a multi-agency response at the strategic (gold) level
          • SFJ_CCAG2 Respond to emergencies at the tactical (silver) level
          • SFJ_CCAG3 Respond to emergencies at the operational (bronze) level
          • SFJ_CCAG4 Address the needs of individuals during initial responses to emergencies
      • B11 Support and manage and individual's physiological status
        • B11.1 Insert and secure medical devices to enable administration or drainage of fluids/air/other substances
          • BDS16 Insert intravenous needles for the collection of blood at blood donation sessions
          • CC02 Insert and secure urethral catheters
          • CHS103 Administer a transfusion of blood / blood products
          • CHS15 Insert and secure nasogastric tubes
          • CHS22 Perform intravenous cannulation
          • CHS30 Obtain and maintain vascular access for, and cease access following, haemodialysis therapy
          • CHS75 Insert a central venous access device
          • CHS8 Insert, secure and monitor urethral catheters
          • EC15 Perform endotracheal intubation in an emergency situation
          • EUSC42 Implant medical devices
          • RenRR6 Obtain immediate access for haemodialysis by inserting a central venous catheter
        • B11.2 Maintain fluid levels and balance in individuals
          • CHS165 Manage fluid levels and balance
          • CHS17 Carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutritional and fluid intake
          • CHS23 Carry out intravenous infusion
          • CHS50 Monitor infusions delivered subcutaneously by a syringe driver or infusion device
          • END17 Manage haemostasis through the use of endoscopic procedures
          • EUSC20 Use pre-planned methods to manage blood loss
          • EUSC28 Extract excess fluids from an individual
        • B11.3 Establish and maintain pain relief
          • CHS164 Manage pain relief for an individual
        • B11.4 Induce anaesthesia/sedation in an individual
          • END10 Administer sedation and analgesia to individuals during endoscopic procedures
          • EUSC21 Administer anaesthetic interventions
        • B11.5 Reverse anaesthesia/sedation
          • EUSC24 Bring an individual back to consciousness following an intervention
          • EUSC45 Reverse an anaesthetic intervention
        • B11.6 Salvage an individual's blood
          • PCS20 Operate equipment for intra-operative blood salvage collection
          • PCS22 Operate and monitor equipment for processing intra-operative salvaged blood and complete salvaged blood processing
        • B11.7 Maintain organ/tissue oxygenation and viability
          • EUSC22 Manage airways, breathing and circulation during a surgical intervention
          • HCS12 Retain tissue for clinical use
        • B11.8 Monitor an individual's physiological condition
          • CHD GB2 Monitor individuals diagnosed with heart failure
          • EUSC25 Monitor the individual within the critical care environment
          • EUSC26 Care for the individual within the critical care environment
          • HCS6 Perform a range of procedures to monitor/support physiological response to modify function, performance or therapy
          • PT10 Guide and monitor progress made in cognitive and behavioural therapy
          • SKANSC15 Complication management for non-surgical cosmetic procedures
        • B11.9 Measure and record body fluid output, blood loss and wound drainage
          • CHS13 Undertake wound drainage care
          • PCS6 Measure and record individuals’ body fluid output
        • B11.10 Provide substitute system/organ function processes for individuals with impaired natural functioning
          • EUSC43 Transplant organs/tissues
      • B12 Clean and remove tissue, organs and materials
        • B12.1 Clean and excise / debride tissue
          • END15 Manage polyps through the use of endoscopic procedures
          • END16 Manage strictures through the use of endoscopic procedures
          • EUSC23 Maintain the viability of a surgical site
        • B12.2 Extract foreign bodies
          • EUSC29 Extract and/or excise surface and subcutaneous foreign bodies from an individual
          • EUSC30 Excise intra-muscular and internal foreign bodies from an individual
        • B12.3 Prepare for blood/blood component donation
          • BDS1 Undertake pre donation assessment at blood/blood component donation sessions
          • BDS14 Assess individuals' fitness and suitability to donate blood or blood components
          • BDS3 Prepare donors, materials and equipment for blood or blood component donation and monitor donors during the donation process
        • B12.4 Remove organs, tissues and fluids
          • BDS4 Conclude the collection of blood or blood component donations
          • CHS101 Organise the collection and receipt of blood / blood products for transfusion
          • EUSC31 Remove organs and tissue from live individuals
          • EUSC32 Perform organ and tissue retrieval from cadavers
        • B12.5 Identify and evaluate suitable donors
          • RenDD1 Identify potential donors among patients
          • RenDD10 Resolve legal obstacles to donation
          • RenDD11 Call in the retrieval team(s) and schedule procedures
          • RenDD16 Care for organs after their removal from donor
          • RenDD2 Evaluate the reported potential for donation
          • RenDD21 Withdraw treatment from a potential non heart beating donor
          • RenDD6 Request donation and determine lack of objection
          • RenLD12 Obtain support funding for a living donor
          • RenOP6 Influence critical care staff to identify potential donors
      • B13 Repair/restore bones, tissues and organs
        • B13.1 Re-construct bones, tissues and organs
          • EUSC35 Reduce dislocated joints using surgical techniques
          • EUSC37 Re-align bones
          • EUSC38 Re-construct bones
          • EUSC39 Repair muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue
          • EUSC40 Repair organs of the body
        • B13.2 Access sites and wounds
          • EUSC27 Open an invasive intervention site
          • EUSC33 Maintain access to the invasive site during an intervention
          • EUSC41 Close an invasive intervention site
        • B13.3 Apply dressings
          • PCS18 Prepare, apply and attach dressings, wound supports and drains to individuals
        • B13.4 Provide musculo-skeletal support
          • EUSC34 Provide musculo-skeletal support
          • EUSC36 Reduce dislocated joints using non-surgical techniques
        • B13.5 Remove health care resources/materials
          • CHD FC5 Remove arterial sheath and ensure haemostasis following angiography/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
          • CHS133 Remove wound drains
          • CHS14 Remove wound closure materials from individuals
          • CHS51 Discontinue infusions delivered subcutaneously and remove syringe driver or infusion device
          • CYST3 Remove ureteric stent using a flexible cystoscope
          • EUSC18 Undertake endotracheal extubation within an EUSC environment
        • B13.6 Provide non-surgical cosmetic procedures
          • SKANSC16 Provide face and/or body dermabrasion treatments
          • SKANSC17 Perform microsclerotherapy for the removal/reduction of telangiecstasia on the legs
          • SKANSC18 Perform rejuvenation and/or regeneration of the skin using carboxytherapy
          • SKANSC20 Provide rejuvenation of the skin and/or hair using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
          • SKANSC21 Provide skin rejuvenation using no needle mesotherapy treatments
          • SKANSC22 Remove or reduce skin imperfections using cryocautery
          • SKANSC23 Perform rejuvenation and/or regeneration of the skin using no needle dermal fillers
      • B14 Manage and maintain individuals physiological, biological and psychological status
        • B14.1 Co-ordinate the implementation and delivery of treatment plans
          • CHS231 Co-ordinate, monitor and review service responses to meet individuals' needs and circumstances
          • CHS61 Co-ordinate the care of individuals with long term conditions
          • CHS88 Co-ordinate the implementation and delivery of treatment plans
          • CS7.2015 Co-ordinate the delivery of care plans to meet the health and well-being needs of children and young people
        • B14.2 Implement care plans/programmes
          • CC11 Implement toileting programmes for individuals
          • CHD HO2 Assist in delivering the care plan for individuals needing care
          • CHS135 Implement programmes and treatments with individuals who have restricted movement / mobility
          • CHS136 Assist in the implementation of programmes and treatments with individuals who have severely restricted movement / mobility
          • CHS137 Implement mobility and movement programmes for individuals to restore optimum movement
          • CHS138 Assist in the implementation of mobility and movement programmes for individuals to restore optimum movement and functional independence
          • CHS139 Implement hydrotherapy programmes for individuals and groups
          • CHS225 Implement a treatment plan
          • CHS234 Implement specific parts of individualised programmes of care
          • CM I1 Manage a patient caseload which achieves the best possible outcomes for the individual
          • CS6.2015 Implement care plans to meet the needs of children and young people
          • Diab CYP12 Implement and monitor individualised care plans to meet the needs of children and young people with diabetes
          • Diab ED03 Provide treatment for erectile dysfunction in a man with diabetes
          • Diab HA2 Work in partnership with individuals to sustain care plans to manage their diabetes
          • Diab HA7 Develop, agree and review a dietary plan for an individual with diabetes
          • GEN79 Coordinate the progress of individuals through care pathways
          • MCN10.2015 Implement individualised maternity care plans
          • MCN13.2015 Implement individualised care plans to meet the needs of babies
          • SCDHSC0025 Contribute to implementation of care or support plan activities
          • SCDHSC0228 Contribute to effective group care
          • SCDHSC0415 Lead the service delivery planning process to achieve outcomes for individuals
        • B14.3 Deliver therapeutic activities
          • AI1.2012 Use recognised theoretical models to provide therapeutic support to individuals who misuse substances
          • AI2.2012 Help individuals address their substance misuse through an action plan
          • AI3.2012 Use recognised theoretical models to provide therapeutic support to groups of individuals who misuse substances
          • AL17 Provide immunotherapy
          • CC04 Manage supra pubic catheters
          • CC12 Enable individuals to undertake pelvic floor muscle exercises
          • CC13 Enable individuals with complex pelvic floor dysfunction to undertake pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
          • CH Ac6 Provide the acupuncture treatment
          • CH K2 Treat the client and give guidance on self-help (Kinesiology)
          • CHEM5.2011 Apply scalp cooling
          • CHS113 Manage dermatological conditions with ultraviolet phototherapy
          • CHS114 Treat dermatological conditions by basic skin surgery
          • CHS12 Undertake treatments and dressings related to the care of lesions and wounds
          • CHS144 Deliver exercise sessions to improve individuals' health and wellbeing
          • CHS153 Enable individual expression using creative arts therapies
          • CHS232 Implement, monitor and evaluate therapeutic interventions within an overall care programme
          • CHS26 Carry out, and conclude, dialysis therapy for individuals with established access
          • CHS62 Provide interventions to individuals with long term conditions
          • CM A4 Plan, implement, monitor and review therapeutic interventions with individuals who have a long term condition and their carers
          • CNH10 Provide Naturopathy to clients
          • CNH11 Provide Reflexology to clients
          • CNH12 Provide Reiki to clients
          • CNH13 Provide Shiatsu to clients
          • CNH14 Deliver Yoga Therapy to clients
          • CNH20 Plan, apply and evaluate massage methods
          • CNH21 Plan, apply and evaluate massage to prevent and manage injury
          • CNH22 Plan, evaluate and apply complex massage/soft tissue methods
          • CNH23 Provide Hypnotherapy to Clients
          • CNH24 Provide Microsystems Acupuncture to clients
          • CNH25 Provide Healing to clients
          • CNH26 Provide Colon Hydrotherapy to clients
          • CNH27 Provide sports massage therapy to clients
          • CNH4 Provide Aromatherapy to clients
          • CNH5 Provide Bowen Therapy to clients
          • CNH6 Provide Cranial Therapies to clients
          • CNH7 Provide Massage Therapy to clients
          • CNH8 Provide Nutritional Therapy to clients
          • CS13.2015 Deliver interventions for children and young people and those involved in their care
          • CYST4 Use cystodiathermy via flexible cystoscope
          • D523 Apply taping and strapping for general support in a sport and activity context
          • D524 Apply taping and strapping following injury to limit specific movement in a sport/activity context
          • D525 Apply taping and strapping to influence movement patterns and proprioception in a sport/activity context
          • D526 Apply magnetic therapies to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D527 Apply basic cold techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D528 Apply hot and cold techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D529 Apply advanced hot and cold techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D530 Apply electrical stimulation techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D531 Apply repair stimulator techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • D532 Apply advanced repair stimulator techniques to clients in a sport and activity context
          • Diab DF02 Implement specialist foot treatment for an individual with diabetes
          • Diab TX01 Provide therapy to meet the immediate healthcare needs of individuals newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes
          • M6.2019 Undertake localisation procedure in the breast using imaging
          • MCN14.2015 Implement interventions during pregnancy
          • MCN15.2015 Implement interventions during labour and birth
          • MCN16.2015 Implement interventions during the postnatal period
          • MCN17.2015 Implement interventions for babies and those involved in their care
          • OP F5 Implement interventions with older people at risk of falls
          • OP F6 Implement interventions with individuals at risk of osteoporosis
          • PT16 Maintain an analytic/dynamic focus in therapy
          • PT22 Manage your own emotional state in analytic/dynamic therapy
          • PT30 Intervene in patterns within and across systems
          • PT42 Choose and adapt ways of working with the client within a humanistic approach
          • PT49 Enable the client in humanistic therapy to become aware of unconscious aspects of their experience
          • R13 Administer sealed source brachytherapy to patients using after loading devices
          • RenTP19 Assess and treat infections post-transplant
          • RenTP20 Diagnose and treat co-morbid disease post-transplant
          • SCDHSC0393 Promote participation in agreed therapeutic group activities
          • SCDHSC0429 Work with groups to promote individual growth, development and independence
        • B14.4 Undertake personal care for individuals
          • CC08 Care for individuals using containment products
          • CC09 Enable individuals to effectively evacuate their bowels
          • CHS10 Undertake stoma care
          • CHS11 Undertake personal hygiene for individuals who require additional support to care for themselves
          • CHS116 Manage individuals with leg ulcers
          • CHS150.2012 Maintain the feet of individuals who have been assessed as requiring help with general foot care
          • CHS5 Undertake agreed pressure area care
          • CHS9 Undertake care for individuals with urinary catheters
          • Diab DF03 Provide wound care to treat an ulcerated foot of an individual with diabetes
          • R11 Deliver external beam megavoltage radiation
          • R12 Deliver external beam kilovoltage radiation
          • SCDHSC0216 Help address the physical comfort needs of individuals
          • SCDHSC0218 Support individuals with their personal care needs
          • SCDHSC0219 Support individuals to manage continence
        • B14.5 Manage the health and well-being of individuals who have been exposed to hazardous substances
          • EC25 Decontaminate individuals affected by a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incident
          • HCS3 Ensure the safety of individuals exposed to radiation within healthcare
          • HCS4 Measure an individual's healthcare radiation exposure to minimise risk
      • B15 Manage medication and prescriptions for individuals
        • B15.1 Prescribe medication and treatments for individuals
          • AH1.2014 Manage the prescription of controlled drugs for substance users
          • AH11.2014 Prepare prescriptions for controlled drugs for substance users
          • CHD HK1 Prepare prescriptions for prescription-only medicines
          • CHEM11.2011 Prescribe anti-cancer therapy and related supportive treatment
          • CM A7 Prescribe medication for individuals with a long term condition
          • CNH17 Prescribe homeopathic treatment for individuals
          • CNH9 Prescribe nutraceuticals to clients
          • PHARM36 Support the prescription administration process
          • R9 Clinically authorise and prescribe radiation treatment
        • B15.2 Sell or supply medicines and products
          • AH3.2014 Supply injecting and other relevant equipment to individuals who use substances and facilitate safe disposal
          • CS34 Supply injecting and other relevant equipment to young people who use substances and facilitate safe disposal
          • OPTR12 Display and merchandise product in an optical practice/store
          • OPTR18 Sell optical products
          • OPTR6 Select and sell optical products to meet customer needs
          • PHARM01.2016 Assist with the provision of a pharmacy service
          • PHARM02.2016 Provide an effective and responsive pharmacy service
          • PHARM03.2016 Respond to pharmaceutical queries and requests for information
          • PHARM04.2016 Provide advice on non-prescribed medicines and products
          • PHARM24.2016 Provide an effective pharmacy collection and delivery service
          • PHARM25.2016 Supply dressings and appliances
        • B15.3 Receive, verify and process prescriptions
          • PHARM07.2016 Receive prescriptions
          • PHARM08.2016 Confirm prescription validity
          • PHARM26.2016 Process pharmacy information for appropriate reimbursement and remuneration
          • PHARM35 Contribute to the non-clinical medication review
          • PHARM56.2011 Verify prescription for anti-cancer therapy
          • RAD1 Verify prescription and / or order for radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products
        • B15.4 Maintain environmentally controlled areas for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products
          • PHARM52.2011 Prepare and maintain the working environment for aseptic manufacture and dispensing of medicinal products in cleanrooms
        • B15.5 Issue prescribed items
          • CH HM3 Dispense herbal medicines and products
          • CNH18 Dispense homeopathic remedies for an individual
          • HCS11 Issue transfusion products to meet clinical need
          • HCS13 Issue tissue for clinical use
          • PHARM10.2016 Issue prescribed items
          • PHARM32.2016 Assist in the issuing of prescribed items
          • PHARM54.2011 Dispense patient-specific anti-cancer therapy doses
          • PHARM55.2011 Final release of compounded parenteral anti-cancer therapy products for clinical use
          • RenTP6 Dispense medication after transplantation
          • SKANSC19 Provide vitamin and/or mineral injections for wellbeing
        • B15.6 Administer medication to individuals
          • CHD HB2 Administer drug treatments for individuals experiencing acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
          • CHEM1.2011 Deliver anti-cancer therapy intravenously
          • CHEM18 Provide intra-cavity administration of anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM19 Provide intra-muscular and subcutaneous administration of anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM2.2011 Administer anti-cancer therapy into the urinary bladder
          • CHEM3.2011 Administer intrathecal anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM4.2011 Assist with the administration of intrathecal anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM7.2011 Administer oral anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM8.2011 Provide oral anti-cancer therapy
          • CHEM9.2011 Administer topical anti-cancer therapy
          • CHS115 Apply topical medications to treat dermatological conditions
          • CHS3 Administer medication to individuals
          • CHS49 Deliver subcutaneous treatments using syringe drivers or infusion devices
          • CHS73 Perform aspiration and/or injection of joints and soft tissue structures
          • CHS78 Administer oxygen safely and effectively
          • CS27.2015 Administer medication to babies and children
          • Diab HC3 Instil eye drops to dilate the pupil prior to image capture
          • EUSC19 Administer pharmaceutical interventions
          • HCS7 Administer radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures
          • MCN21.2015 Administer medication to babies
        • B15.7 Administer nutritional products to individuals
          • CHS147 Administer oral nutritional products to individuals
        • B15.8 Support individuals to self-medicate
          • AL13 Enable an individual to use self-injected adrenaline
          • CHS2 Assist in the administration of medication
          • CHS237 Support individuals to administer their own medication
          • CHS71 Help individuals to use nebulised medication safely and effectively
          • CHS72 Help individuals to use oxygen safely and effectively
          • CM A6 Enable individuals with long term conditions to manage their medicines
          • CS15.2015 Enable children and young people, and those involved in their care, to manage prescribed medication
          • Diab CYP14 Support a child/young person and their family using insulin therapy to manage their diabetes
          • Diab CYP15 Enable a child/young person with diabetes to begin to take oral medication to improve their health
          • Diab CYP16 Monitor and support a child/young person with diabetes using oral medication to improve their health
          • Diab CYP21 Enable a child or young person with Type 2 diabetes to start insulin therapy
          • Diab HA12 Enable an individual with Type 2 diabetes to start insulin therapy
          • Diab IPT04 Enable an individual with Type 1 diabetes to administer insulin by pump
          • Diab IPT05 Provide ongoing support to an individual administering insulin by pump
          • GEN135 Support individuals to take their medication as prescribed
          • RenAT5 Prepare with the patient how immunosuppression will be tailored
          • RenTP10 Identify and influence patients who are not adhering to their medication regime
          • RenTP11 Plan with the patient how to minimise and manage side effects of immunosuppressive therapy
          • RenTP7 Help the patient develop competence in self-administering medication
          • RenTP8 Help young adults learn to manage medication and monitoring of symptoms
        • B15.9 Manage an individuals medication to achieve optimum outcomes
          • CHS74 Manage an individual's medication to achieve optimum outcomes
          • EUSC44 Discontinue infused and/or inhaled pharmaceutical interventions
          • PHARM29.2016 Retrieve and reconcile information about an individual's medicines
          • PHARM31.2022 Confirm the suitability of an individual's medicines for use and ensure sufficient supply
          • PHARM50.2011 Provide advice on anti-cancer therapy for an individual
          • RenTP3 Review and adapt the patient's medication and treatments
        • B15.10 Manage stocks of medication
          • CHS1.2012 Receive and store medication and products
          • PHARM12.2016 Order pharmaceutical stock
          • PHARM13.2016 Receive pharmaceutical stock
          • PHARM14.2016 Maintain pharmaceutical stock
          • PHARM15.2016 Supply pharmaceutical stock
          • PHARM33 Order medicines and products for individuals
        • B15.11 Prepare for the manufacture and assembly of pharmaceuticals
          • PHARM20.2016 Prepare documentation and materials for the manufacture and assembly of medicinal products
          • PHARM23.2016 Check documentation and materials prior to the preparation of aseptic products
        • B15.12 Prepare medication for individuals
          • PHARM11.2016 Prepare extemporaneous medicines
          • PHARM17.2016 Manufacture and assemble medicinal products
          • PHARM19.2016 Prepare aseptic products
          • PHARM28.2016 Undertake the final accuracy check of dispensed medicines and products
          • PHARM34 Contribute to the management of medication audit and review
        • B15.13 Assemble prescribed items
          • PHARM09.2016 Assemble prescribed items
      • B16 Provide care & support for individuals to assist them in maximising their health
        • B16.1 Support individuals during and after clinical/therapeutic activities
          • AH7.2014 Support individuals through detoxification programmes
          • AL1 Link an individual to follow up care after an acute, severe allergic reaction
          • CC03 Care for individuals with urethral catheters
          • CC06 Enable individuals to carry out intermittent catheterisation
          • CHD FC1 Monitor and support the individual prior to, during and after angiography/percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
          • CHEM20 Provide ongoing care and support to individuals during anti-cancer therapy
          • CHS16 Undertake care for individuals with nasogastric tubes
          • CHS27 Encourage and support individuals undergoing dialysis therapy
          • CHS28.2012 Support and enable individual undergoing dialysis and their carers to obtain and maintain dialysis equipment and materials
          • CHS29 Support and enable individuals undergoing dialysis and their carers to carry out dialysis procedures
          • Diab HD2 Assist an individual to sustain oral medication to improve their condition
          • Diab HD3 Help individuals with Type 2 diabetes to continue insulin therapy
          • Diab HD6 Assist individuals with diabetes to manage their condition when they have been admitted to a hospital ward for other health needs
          • Diab PD15 Support and advise women with gestational diabetes after they have given birth
          • END11 Assess and optimise the condition of individuals during endoscopic procedures
          • END20 Provide care for individuals recovering after endoscopic procedures
          • EUSC49 Provide care for individuals as they recover from invasive interventions
          • FMH11 Support an individual in forensic mental health care to participate in treatment
          • GEN5 Support individuals undergoing healthcare activities
          • PCS5 Assist in the support and monitoring of individuals within the perioperative care environment
          • PCS7 Assist the registered practitioner in the delivery of perioperative patient care
          • RenDD13 Enable relatives to part with donor
          • RenDD14 Manage the care of a heart beating donor
          • RenDD15 Manage the care of a potential non heart beating donor
          • RenLD10 Act as advocate for the prospective living donor
          • RenLD19 Care for and support the living donor prior to surgery
          • RenLD20 Monitor and care for the living donor after surgery
          • RenRR7 Care for a renal patient after the insertion of a central venous catheter
          • SCDHSC0212 Support individuals during therapy sessions
          • SCDHSC0224 Monitor the condition of individuals
          • SCDHSC0352 Support individuals to continue therapies
        • B16.2 Support individuals who are distressed
          • EC21 Contribute to social care during emergency situations
          • SCDHSC0226 Support Individuals who are distressed
        • B16.3 Assist individuals in undertaking activities
          • CHS142 Test individuals abilities before planning exercise and physical activities
          • CHS143 Assist others to test individuals’ abilities before planning exercise and physical activities
          • CHS236 Support individuals during activities to improve their physical health and wellbeing
          • GEN15 Support individuals in undertaking their desired activities
          • GEN47 Agree actions to assist individuals in undertaking desired occupational and non-occupational activities
          • MH38.2013 Enable people with mental health needs to choose and participate in activities that are meaningful to them
          • MH42.2013 Enable people with mental health needs to participate in activities and networks
          • SCDHSC0210 Support individuals to participate in recreational activities
          • SCDHSC0215 Help individuals to maintain mobility
          • SCDHSC0347 Support individuals to access employment
          • SCDHSC0423 Assist individuals at formal hearings
        • B16.4 Support individuals to retain, regain and develop the skills to manage their lives and environment
          • AB2.2012 Support individuals who misuse substances
          • AH10.2014 Work with individuals to encourage a reduction in harmful alcohol consumption and drinking behaviour
          • CHS159 Provide support to individuals to develop their skills in managing dysphagia
          • CHS239 Enable individuals to use assistive devices and assistive technology
          • CHS67 Support individuals with long term conditions to manage their respiratory function
          • CHS68 Support individuals with long term conditions to manage their nutrition
          • CHS69 Support individuals with long term conditions to optimise their physical functions
          • CHS70 Support individuals with long term conditions to optimise their psychological functions
          • CHS79 Support individuals who express a wish to stop smoking
          • CM D5 Enable patients to access psychological support
          • CM D7 Empower individuals with long term conditions to represent their views and organise their own support, assistance or action
          • CM D8 Promote the social inclusion of individuals with long term conditions by enabling them to participate in social, economic and cultural activities and networks
          • CS33 Support children and young people who use alcohol or other substances
          • Diab CYP06 Support a child/young person with Type 1 diabetes, and their family, in the early stages after diagnosis
          • Diab CYP08 Support a child/young person with Type 1 diabetes, and their family, in the first year after diagnosis
          • Diab CYP17 Provide care and support to meet the immediate needs of the child or young person newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and their family
          • Diab DA4 Assist individuals with diabetes to help and support each other
          • Diab HA5 Help an individual understand the effects of food, drink and exercise on their diabetes
          • Diab TPA01 Enable a young person with diabetes develop self management skills
          • Diab TPA02 Help a young person manage their diabetes during adolescence
          • Diab TX02 Support an individual with Type 1 diabetes in the early stages after diagnosis
          • Diab TX03 Help an individual using insulin therapy to manage their diabetes understand the effects of food, drink, physical activity and medication on their health and well-being
          • EUSC52 Assess an individuals' needs for psychological, emotional or social rehabilitation
          • FMH16 Help an individual prepare for transition from secure institutional to community living
          • FMH19 Support engagement between an individual and their family
          • FMH20 Provide a safe environment for family members and individuals to meet
          • FMH21 Enable an individual and their children to meet
          • GEN104 Enable individuals to maintain the safety and security of their living environment
          • GEN105 Enable individuals to maintain their personal hygiene and appearance
          • GEN107 Enable individuals and families to put informed choices for optimising their health and wellbeing into action
          • GEN110 Support individuals in relation to personal and social interactions and environmental factors
          • GEN111 Enable individuals, their family and friends to explore and manage change
          • GEN43 Monitor and review the rehabilitation process with the individual, their family, carers and other professionals
          • GEN45 Evaluate the outcomes of the individual's rehabilitation
          • LTCN23 Support individuals with neurological conditions to optimise their independence
          • MCN25.2015 Enable individuals to reflect and debrief on their experience of childbirth
          • RenLD22 Enable donors to understand the process of recovery and care of their future health
          • RenRR5 Enable renal patients and carers to look after and cope with different types of access for dialysis
          • RenRR8 Support a patient in transferring from peritoneal dialysis to haemodialysis
          • S1 Respond to the needs of individuals with stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
          • S5 Implement interventions for individuals who have had a stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
          • SCDHSC0027 Support individuals in their daily living
          • SCDHSC0028 Support individuals to make journeys
          • SCDHSC0029 Support individuals to meet their domestic and personal needs
          • SCDHSC0038 Support children and young people to manage aspects of their lives
          • SCDHSC0039 Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential
          • SCDHSC0047 Support parents and carers to acquire skills to care for and protect babies, children and young people
          • SCDHSC0225 Support individuals to carry out their own healthcare and monitoring procedures
          • SCDHSC0235 Enable individuals to make their way around specific places
          • SCDHSC0310 Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence
          • SCDHSC0311 Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships
          • SCDHSC0315 Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
          • SCDHSC0316 Work with children and young people with additional requirements to address their development needs
          • SCDHSC0343 Support individuals to live at home
          • SCDHSC0344 Support individuals to retain, regain and develop skills to manage their daily living
          • SCDHSC0345 Support individuals to manage their financial affairs
          • SCDHSC0346 Support individuals to manage direct payments
          • SCDHSC0349 Support individuals to access housing and accommodation services
          • SCDHSC0351 Implement development activities to meet individuals' goals, preferences and needs
          • SCDHSC0372 Develop programmes to enable individuals to find their way around environments
          • SCDHSC0382 Support individuals to manage change in their lives
          • SCDHSC0383 Support individuals to move into new living environments
          • SCDHSC0426 Empower families, carers and others to support individuals
          • SCDLMCSB3 Manage provision of care services that deals effectively with transitions and significant life events
        • B16.5 Support individuals and carers to cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of healthcare activities
          • AB7.2014 Enable access to services to those affected by someone else's use of alcohol or other substances
          • FMH13 Help an individual to feel more psychologically secure
          • FMH14 Enable an individual to differentiate between positive and negative behaviours and understand the consequences
          • FMH15 Increase the individuals capacity to manage negative or distressing thoughts and emotional states
          • FMH18 Respond to potential crisis and relapse for an individual in the community
          • MH101 Manage the process of change throughout counselling
          • RenAT9 Provide emotional and psychological support regarding transplantation
          • RenDD18 Follow up the donor's family
          • RenDD19 Offer psychological and emotional support to the family of the donor
          • RenLD11 Provide emotional support to a potential living donor
          • RenLD13 Provide follow-up support for living donors who do not donate
          • RenLD14 Provide specialist psychological intervention and therapy to a living donor
          • RenLD21 Identify the need for emotional and psychological support for a living donor
          • RenLD8 Evaluate the motivation and the psychosocial readiness of the prospective living donor
          • RenTP15 Provide emotional and psychological support for transplanted patients
          • RenTP16 Provide specialist clinical psychology intervention for transplanted patients
          • SCDHSC0312 Support children and young people to develop a positive identity and emotional well being
          • SCDHSC0332 Promote individuals' positive self esteem and sense of identity
          • SCDHSC0350 Support the spiritual well-being of individuals
          • SCDHSC0356 Support individuals to deal with relationship problems
          • SCDHSC0390 Support families in maintaining relationships in their wider social structures and environments
          • SCDHSC0428 Lead the development of programmes of support for carers and families
        • B16.6 Enable care in the home environment
          • SCDHSC0229 Maintain safety and security when accessing individuals' homes.
          • SCDHSC0317 Prepare your family and networks prior to providing a home for babies, children and young people
          • SCDHSC0318 Provide a home for children and young people
          • SCDHSC0333 Prepare your family and networks to support individuals in your own home
          • SCDHSC0334 Provide a home and family environment for individuals requiring care and support
        • B16.7 Care for and protect babies
          • MCN27 Support individuals with feeding babies
          • SCDHSC0037 Care for babies
          • SCDHSC0314 Care for a newly born baby when the birth parents are unable to do so
      • B17 Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role
        • CHD HN3 Enable carers to access and assess support networks and respite services
        • GEN20 Enable carers to support individuals
        • MH11.2012 Enable families to address issues with individuals' behaviour
        • MH13.2012 Work with families, carers and individuals during times of relapse or crisis
        • SCDHSC0227 Contribute to working in partnership with carers
        • SCDHSC0319 Support the families of children and young people in their own homes
        • SCDHSC0320 Support professional advice to help parents interact with and take care of their newly born baby
        • SCDHSC0321 Support parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of life
        • SCDHSC0387 Work in partnership with carers to support individuals
        • SCDHSC0389 Work with carers, families and key people to maintain contact with individuals
        • SCDHSC0425 Support people who are providing homes for adults, children or young people
        • SCDHSC0427 Assess the needs of carers and families
      • B18 Undertake care of the dying, deceased and bereaved
        • B18.1 Support individuals through the process of dying
          • CHS95 Explain to the family the patients condition and likely death
          • SCDHSC0385 Support individuals at the end of life
        • B18.2 Conduct last offices for the deceased
          • RenDD17 Conduct last offices for the deceased donor after surgery
          • SCDHSC0239 Contribute to the care of a deceased person
        • B18.3 Support individuals through bereavement
          • CHS219 Perform the viewing of the deceased with relatives and other agencies
          • SCDHSC0384 Support individuals through bereavement
        • B18.4 Collect and transport deceased individuals and body parts
          • GEN61 Collect and transport deceased individuals and body parts
      • B19 Undertake a post mortem examination
        • HCS15 Undertake a postmortem examination
      • B20 Reconstruct the deceased following pathological examination
        • HCS16 Reconstruct the deceased following pathological examination
      • B21 Conduct forensic medical examinations
        • CHS184 Maintain chain of custody (specimens and samples)
        • HPC10 Examine and assess individuals detained under road traffic legislation
        • HPC11 Conduct initial forensic medical assessment of an unexpected death
        • HPC6 Undertake intimate body searches
        • HPC7 Conduct forensic physical examination of alleged perpetrators of sexual or physical assault
      • C1 Manage health promotion and protection at a strategic level
        • C1.1 Plan and develop strategies to promote health and well being
          • C1.1.1 Agree priorities and targets for improving public health
            • GEN113 Identify trends and changes in the specific health and wellbeing needs of a population and the effectiveness of different means of meeting their needs
            • GEN115 Assess the needs of the population to determine those who require, or would benefit from, specific health and wellbeing services
            • GEN52 Research the needs of the local population for provision of health care services
            • GEN54 Develop plans to meet local needs for health care services
            • PHP29 Work in partnership with others to develop and agree priorities and targets for improving health and wellbeing
            • PHS10 Advise others on health and wellbeing, related issues and their impact
            • PHS12 Enable inequalities in health and wellbeing to be reduced through planning and targeting services and programmes
          • C1.1.2 Agree priorities and targets for improving individuals' health and wellbeing
            • PHS19 Develop, sustain and implement a vision and objectives for improving health and wellbeing
          • C1.1.3 Develop policies to support the health improvement strategy
            • CHD ED1 Contribute to developing policies that reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
            • PHP35 Advise how health improvement can be promoted in policy development
            • PHP36 Contribute to the formulation of policy specifically focused on improving health and wellbeing
          • C1.1.4 Plan and develop health protection programmes
            • CM G5 Work in partnership with others to promote health and wellbeing and reduce risks within settings in a defined caseload
            • CM G6 Work in partnership with communities to improve their health and wellbeing in a defined caseload
            • HP9 Develop plans to provide immunisation as an intervention to protect the population's health and wellbeing
            • PHP18 Work in partnership with others to contact, assess and support individuals in populations who are at risk from identified hazards to health and wellbeing
            • PHP19 Work in partnership with others to plan investigations to protect the public's health and wellbeing from specific risks
            • PHP20 Work in partnership with others to identify how to apply plans to protect the public's health and wellbeing from specific risks
          • C1.1.5 Develop marketing / promotional materials
            • HP8 Develop materials for information and education for specific audiences to support their engagement and participation in health protection processes
            • PHS11 Communicate effectively with the public and others about improving the health and wellbeing of the population
          • C1.1.6 Evaluate and select media for delivering information, advice and guidance
            • PHP26 Advise the media about specific issues relating to health and wellbeing
        • C1.2 Implement strategies to promote health and well being
          • C1.2.1 Implement strategies to promote public health
            • CS21.2015 Monitor the health and well-being of children and young people
            • PHS03 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies for promoting the health and wellbeing of the population
            • PHS13 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate programmes, services and interventions to address health and wellbeing needs
          • C1.2.2 Implement strategies to promote individuals' health and wellbeing
            • GEN129 Project manage action targeted at addressing health and wellbeing issues
            • PHP28 Work in partnership with others to plan, implement and review programmes and projects to improve health and wellbeing
            • PHP30 Work in partnership with others to plan how to put strategies for improving health and wellbeing into effect
            • PHP31 Work in partnership with others to implement strategies for improving health and wellbeing
            • PHS15 Implement strategies for putting policies to improve health and wellbeing into effect
          • C1.2.3 Implement health protection programmes
            • HP1 Identify hazards and assess risks to health, wellbeing and safety from information provided by individuals
            • HP15 Coordinate a team investigating and managing an incident or outbreak
            • HP17 Contribute to implementing measures to manage an incident or outbreak
            • HP6 Communicate risks to health, wellbeing and safety to a range of individuals and advise how the risks can be prevented, reduced or controlled
            • PHP21 Undertake own role in a partnership to protect the public's health and wellbeing from specific risks
            • PHS05 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies for protecting the health and wellbeing of the population
          • C1.2.4 Implement a marketing / promotional campaign
            • INSMAR018 Manage the products or services portfolio to maintain competitiveness
            • PHP27 Respond to requests for information from the media
        • C1.3 Monitor and review strategies for achieving health and wellbeing improvements
          • C1.3.1 Monitor strategies for improving public health
            • PHP32 Work in partnership with others to monitor and review strategies for improving health and wellbeing
            • PHP33 Work in partnership with others to make a preliminary assessment of the impact of policies and strategies on health and wellbeing
            • PHS14 Assess the impact of policies and shape and influence them to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities
          • C1.3.2 Review strategies for improving individuals' health and wellbeing
            • PHP25 Work in partnership with communities to evaluate policies, strategies, services, programmes and interventions to improve health and wellbeing
            • PHP34 Work in partnership with others to undertake a full assessment of the impact of policies and strategies on health and wellbeing
            • PHP37 Evaluate and review the effects of policies on health improvement
            • PHP40 Evaluate and recommend changes to policies to improve health and wellbeing
            • PHS07 Assess the evidence and impact of health and healthcare interventions, programmes and services and apply the assessments to practice
          • C1.3.3 Monitor health protection programmes
            • HP10 Monitor and review the effectiveness of services and initiatives to protect health, wellbeing and safety
            • HP3 Monitor and analyse routine surveillance data to assess risks to health, wellbeing and safety
            • HP4 Collect and validate surveillance data to monitor risks to population health, wellbeing and safety
          • C1.3.4 Monitor trends and developments for their impact on health and wellbeing
            • CFA_BAH111 Support the monitoring and evaluation of trends and events that affect organisations
            • PHP38 Monitor trends and developments in policies for their impact on health and wellbeing
      • C2 Work in partnership with others to promote health
        • C2.1 Encourage behavioural change in people and agencies to promote health and wellbeing
          • CM E1 Help individuals with long term conditions to change their behaviour to reduce the risk of complications and improve their quality of life
          • Diab HA6 Help individuals with diabetes to change their behaviour to reduce the risk of complications and improve their quality of life
          • GEN127 Assess the need for, and plan awareness raising of health and wellbeing issues
          • HP12 Guide and support organisations to change their practices to ensure they meet their statutory responsibilities, in order to prevent, reduce and control risks to health, wellbeing and safety
          • HP13 Work in partnership with organisations to enable them improve their practices and environments in order to prevent, reduce and control risks to health and wellbeing
          • HP14 Work with others to develop and promote training programmes to prevent, reduce and control risks to health and wellbeing
          • MH27.2012 Reinforce positive behavioural goals during relationships with individuals
          • MH67.2013 Encourage stakeholders to see the value of improving environments and practices to promote mental health
          • MH68.2013 Co-produce action plans which assist stakeholders in improving environments and practices to promote mental health
          • MH69.2013 Work co-productively to implement action plans for improving environments and practices to promote mental health
          • MH74.2013 Support employers and others in their work with people with mental health needs
          • PHP15 Encourage behavioural change in people and agencies to promote health and wellbeing
          • PHP16 Work in partnership with others to promote health and wellbeing and reduce risks within settings
          • PHP42 Enable people to improve others' health and wellbeing
          • PHP46 Create and capitalise upon opportunities to advocate the need for improving health and wellbeing
          • PT09 Plan and review practice assignments in cognitive and behavioural therapy
          • PT34 Promote change through tasks between family and systemic therapy sessions
          • PT45 Enable the client to understand their relational difficulties through their immediate experience within humanistic therapy
          • SCDHSC0398 Support individuals with programmes to promote positive behaviour
          • SCDHSC0420 Promote leisure opportunities and activities for individuals
          • SCDHSC0421 Promote employment, training and education opportunities for individuals
          • SCDHSC0422 Promote housing opportunities for individuals
        • C2.2 Provide information to individuals, groups and communities about promoting health
          • AD1.2012 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects
          • CHS235 Promote the benefits of activities to improve physical health and well-being
          • GEN128 Support the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of awareness raising around health and wellbeing issues
          • HP7 Provide information and advice to at-risk contacts, to protect health, wellbeing and safety
          • HT2 Communicate with individuals about promoting their health and wellbeing
          • LSIILARA3v2 Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management functions
          • LSIILARA4v2 Develop and contribute to strategy and policy for information and library services, archives services and records management
          • LSIILARC1v2 Determine customer and organisational requirements for content and collections
          • LSIILARC2v2 Establish what content is available to meet identified requirements and its sources of supply
          • LSILARIMS04 Manage content and collections
          • LSILARIMS07 Help users to access information
          • PE2 Manage information and materials for access by patients and carers
          • PHP06 Draft and structure communications about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP07 Finalise and disseminate communications about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP08 Advise others on data and information related to health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing and its uses
          • PHP12 Communicate data and information about the health and wellbeing and related needs of a defined population
          • PHP13 Provide information to individuals, groups and communities about promoting health and wellbeing
          • PHP39 Present information and arguments to others on how policies affect health and wellbeing
          • SCDHSC0438 Develop and disseminate information and advice about health and social well-being
          • SCDHSC3103 Contribute to raising awareness of health issues
        • C2.3 Facilitate the development of community groups / networks
          • GEN100 Assist individuals to evaluate and contact support networks
          • GEN101 Enable support networks to develop their effectiveness
          • GEN118 Enable groups, communities and organisations to determine and plan how to address their issues and concerns
          • HT1 Make relationships with communities
          • JETSCD16 Support collaborative and partnership work
          • JETSCD17 Strategically co-ordinate networks and partnerships
          • PHP23 Work in partnership with communities to plan how to improve health and wellbeing
          • PHS16 Involve communities as active partners in all aspects of improving health and wellbeing
          • PHS17 Empower communities to improve their own health and wellbeing
          • PHS18 Enable communities to develop their capacity to advocate for health and wellbeing
          • SCDHSC0244 Support individuals in the community
          • SCDHSC0323 Contribute to child care practice in group living
          • SCDHSC0331 Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships
          • SCDHSC0394 Contribute to the provision of support groups
          • SCDHSC3101 Support the development of community networks and partnerships
          • SCDHSC3102 Work with community networks and partnerships
          • SCDHSC3104 Support the development of networks to achieve planned outcomes
          • SFJ EC4 Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities
        • C2.4 Enable people to address issues relating to their health and wellbeing
          • AL18 Provide psychosocial support for individuals with allergy and their families
          • CHD HA3 Provide support for individuals who express a wish to reduce their alcohol consumption
          • CHD HA4 Monitor and evaluate individuals' attempts to reduce their alcohol consumption
          • CHD HN1 Help individuals prepare psychologically for changes
          • CHS145 Provide support to individuals to manage their body weight
          • CS11.2015 Support young people to prepare for and make the transition to adult healthcare services
          • CS12.2015 Support young people to adapt to adult healthcare services
          • CS22.2015 Support children and young people to cope with changes that impact on their health and well-being
          • Diab CYP07 Provide information and support to a child or young person recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and their family, to enable them to establish safe and healthy dietary aims
          • Diab CYP09 Enable a child or young person with Type 1 diabetes, and their family, develop their knowledge and skills about diet and diabetes
          • Diab CYP18 Provide advice and support to enable a child or young person recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and their family, manage their diabetes by diet and physical activity
          • Diab CYP19 Provide ongoing advice and support about food and physical activity to a child or young person with Type 2 diabetes, and their family, to enable them to manage challenges to their health
          • Diab HA10 Help individuals with diabetes reduce cardiovascular risk
          • Diab HA13 Provide information and advice to enable an individual with diabetes to minimise the risks of hypoglycaemia
          • Diab HA8 Enable individuals with diabetes to monitor their blood glucose levels
          • Diab HA9 Help an individual with diabetes to improve blood glucose control
          • Diab PD01 Provide advice and information on planning pregnancy to all women with diabetes of childbearing age
          • HT3 Enable individuals to change their behaviour to improve their own health and wellbeing
          • MH63.2013 Work with people and significant others to develop services to improve their mental health
          • OP12 Enable older people to cope with changes to their health and well-being
          • PHP14 Enable individuals, groups and communities to develop their knowledge and skills about promoting health and wellbeing
          • PHP41 Enable people to address issues related to health and wellbeing
          • PHP43 Work with individuals and others to minimise the effects of specific health conditions
          • RenOP2 Hand over aspects of renal care and treatment to patients and carers
          • SCD HSC0330 Support individuals to access and use services and facilities
          • SCDHSC0313 Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health
          • SCDHSC0366 Support individuals to represent their own wishes and needs at decision-making events
          • SCDHSC3112 Support individuals to manage their own health and social well-being
        • C2.5 Respond to, and manage challenging behaviour
          • SCDHSC0326 Promote the development of positive behaviour in children and young people
          • SFJ BB2 Model pro-social behaviour when working with individuals
          • SFJ EA1 Obtain information from offenders regarding their behaviour
          • SFJ EC1 Support and encourage individuals in addressing their offending behaviour
          • SFJ ED1 Plan, monitor and review integrated packages of interventions and support to address individuals' offending behaviour
        • C2.6 Act on behalf of an individual, family or community (advocacy)
          • GEN119 Act as a resource to groups, communities and organisations as they address their issues and concerns around health and wellbeing
          • GEN120 Establish with groups, communities and organisations their interests, concerns and priorities and enable them to identify acceptable representation
          • PHP47 Advocate for the improvement of health and wellbeing
          • SCDHSC0046 Advocate with and on behalf of children and young people
          • SCDHSC0367 Support individuals to access independent representation and advocacy
          • SCDHSC0368 Present individuals' preferences and needs
          • SCDHSC0410 Advocate with and on behalf of individuals
      • D1 Manage data and information
        • D1.1 Create information systems
          • CFAWB8 Develop a website for your business
          • CFA_BAD122 Manage and evaluate information systems
          • ESKITP5014v2 Contribute to IT and Telecoms systems development
          • HI15.2010 Develop a specification for systems that meet the needs of staff, patients and the public for health information
          • INSBA020 Support and maintain information systems
          • TECHDUBI2 Produce data visualisations to support business insights
          • TECHDUDC2 Create and update web pages
          • TECHDUDC3 Create an interactive website
          • TECHDUDM1 Create digital images
          • TECHDUOC1 Participate in online social media collaboration networks
          • TECHDUPP1 Create digital presentations
          • TECHDUPP2 Create enhanced digital presentations
          • TECHDUWP1 Create and edit digital documents
          • TECHDUWP2 Produce enhanced digital documents
        • D1.2 Develop models for processing data/information
          • HI14.2010 Identify the health information needs of staff, patients and the public to support the development of systems
          • HI16.2010 Facilitate the development of systems to meet health information needs
          • HI17.2010 Facilitate the implementation of systems to meet health information needs
          • HI5.2010 Develop models for processing data and information in a health context
          • TECHDUCW1 Carry out remote online working and collaboration
          • TECHDUDI2 Enhance online information searches
          • TECHDUDL1 Undertake digital skills learning and development activities
          • TECHDUWP3 Use software for digital document collaboration and co-authoring
        • D1.3 Manage and develop systems and software to meet requirements
          • ESKITP4082 IT/Technology Infrastructure Design and Planning Level 2 Role
          • ESKITP4083 IT/Technology Infrastructure Design and Planning Level 3 Role
          • ESKITP4084 IT/Technology Infrastructure Design and Planning Level 4 Role
          • ESKITP4085 IT/Technology Infrastructure Design and Planning Level 5 Role
          • ESKITP4086 IT/Technology Infrastructure Design and Planning Level 6 Role
          • TECHDUBI1 Create business insight dashboards and reports
          • TECHDUDD1 Setup and use digital devices
          • TECHDUDD2 Configure digital systems
          • TECHDUDD3 Optimise digital technology systems
          • TECHDUDM2 Create enhanced digital media assets
          • TECHDUDM3 Produce advanced digital media assets
          • TECHDUDW1 Maintain health, safety and wellbeing when working with digital technology
          • TECHDUEM1 Send and receive e-mails
          • TECHDUEM2 Customise e-mail settings
          • TECHDUOC2 Plan and manage social media collaboration activities
          • TECHDUOC3 Assess the use of social media collaborations
          • TECHDUPP3 Automate digital presentations
          • TECIS403401 Carry out software design
        • D1.4 Install and upgrade software
          • ESKITP903301 Installation, Implementation and Handover of Network Infrastructure Services
          • TECHDUPS1 Recognise and resolve routine digital technology problems
          • TECIS1101309 Perform digital telecommunications technology upgrades
        • D1.5 Manage ICT security
          • SFJOD3 Maintain the security of data through own actions
          • TECHDUBI3 Perform basic business intelligence analysis
          • TECHDUDS1 Maintain data security when using digital technology
          • TECHDUDS2 Implement security for a digital device
          • TECHDUDS3 Apply enhanced security procedures to protect data
          • TECHDUDT1 Complete online digital forms and transactions securely
          • TECHDUOS1 Operate safely and securely when working online
          • TECIS60231 Contribute to information security risk assessment and management activities
          • TECIS60241 Carry out information security risk assessment and management activities
          • TECIS60251 Manage information security risk assessment and management activities
          • TECIS60431 Contribute to information security testing activities
          • TECIS60441 Carry out information security testing activities
          • TECIS60451 Manage information security testing activities
          • TECIS60461 Direct information security testing activities
          • TECIS60531 Contribute to operational information security management activities
          • TECIS60541 Carry out operational information security management activities
          • TECIS60551 Manage operational information security management activities
      • D2 Process data and information
        • D2.1 Collect and validate data and information for processing
          • HI19.2010 Search for clinical information and evidence according to an accepted methodology
          • HI7.2010 Collect and validate data and information in a health context
          • HP11 Gather information to identify people who may have been exposed to a hazard to health
          • HP16 Coordinate the gathering of field information to assess risks to health
          • HP5 Gather specific information from individuals to contribute to assessing risks to health and wellbeing
          • PHP01 Collect data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP02 Form data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing for later analysis
          • PHP03 Obtain and link data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP10 Collect and link data and information about the health and wellbeing and related needs of a defined population
          • SFJCPS 8.12 Search databases and sources of information
          • TECHDUCO1 Perform coding for simple business problems
        • D2.2 Input data/information for processing
          • TECHDUSS1 Create and update spreadsheets with data
          • TECHDUSS2 Create formulae and charts in spreadsheets
          • TECHDUSS3 Use macros and templates to automate spreadsheet software
        • D2.3 Analyse data/information
          • HI11.2010 Produce coded clinical data
          • HI8 Analyse data and information and present outputs in a health context
          • HP2 Collate, analyse and interpret surveillance data to assess risks to population health, wellbeing and safety
          • INSBA021 Carry out and analyse research
          • PHP04 Analyse data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP05 Interpret data and information about health and wellbeing and/or stressors to health and wellbeing
          • PHP11 Analyse and interpret data and information about the health and wellbeing and related needs of a defined population
          • PHS01 Manage, analyse, interpret and communicate information, knowledge and statistics about health and wellbeing
          • PHS02 Manage, analyse, interpret and communicate information, knowledge and statistics about needs and outcomes of health and wellbeing
          • SfJXA1 Interrogate and use management information to inform board decisions
          • TECHDUDA1 Sort and filter data
          • TECHDUDA2 Apply conditional formatting to visualise data
          • TECHDUDA3 Show trends and patterns in data using graphs and charts
          • TECHDUDI3 Evaluate digital information
          • TECHDUEM3 Use advanced e-mail features
        • D2.4 Maintain information / record systems
          • BDS8 Organise information and enter donation outcomes
          • CFA_BAD131 Monitor information systems
          • CFA_BAD323 Research information
          • ESKITP1013 Perform information management operations
          • ESKITP1014 Manage the organisation, storage and disposal of information
          • ESKITP1015 Monitor and control information management operations
          • ESKITP1016 Lead information management operations
          • ESKITP1025 Develop and implement information management policies and standards
          • ESKITP1034 Manage information quality control processes
          • GEN92 Maintain an asset register and service history information in healthcare
          • HI21.2010 Create, store and retrieve paper based health records
          • HI22.2010 Organise the retention and destruction of health records
          • HI23.2010 Arrange the transportation of health records
          • INSBA022 Store, share, retrieve and archive information
          • LSILARIMS06 Supply information and materials
          • LSILARIMS08 Enable users to find content
          • OPTR4 Contribute to the record keeping of the optical practice/store
          • RenAT6 Add a patient to the National Transplant Register
          • RenAT8 Withdraw or suspend a patient from the National Transplant Register
          • SCDHSC0434 Lead practice for managing and disseminating records and reports
          • SS32 Record, store and supply information using a paper-based filing system
          • SS33 Enter, retrieve and print data in a database
          • SS34 Provide authorised access to records
          • SS35 Protect records
          • SS36 Maintain the arrangement of records
          • SS37 Administer the current records system
          • TECHDUDB1 Enter and update data in a database
          • TECHDUDB2 Create databases to store and retrieve data
          • TECHDUDB3 Create a database implementation
          • TECHDUDC1 Publish digital content online
          • TECHDUDI1 Find and store digital information
          • TECHDUDT2 Create and manage online digital accounts
        • D2.5 Appraise the validity and reliability of information
          • HI13.2010 Appraise information and knowledge resources in a health context
          • HI20.2010 Critically appraise clinical information and evidence
      • E1 Maintain facilities and estates in a healthcare environment
        • E1.1 Assess, maintain and evaluate buildings and utilities
          • E1.1.1 Assess the condition of property
            • COSVX12 Inspect and report on condition of property
            • INSHOU09 Check and record the condition of property
            • INSHOU17 Inspect the condition of rented or tenanted property
          • E1.1.2 Maintain buildings and facilities
            • LANWFS1 Provide and monitor the workplace and facilities services as required by the organisation
            • LANWFS3 Contribute to workplace and facilities services projects
          • E1.1.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of building, facilities and utilities in meeting health care needs
            • ASTSPM3O15 Plan, implement and monitor the maintenance of property within a surveying environment
          • E1.1.4 Specify requirements for buildings, facilities and utilities to meet health care needs
        • E1.2 Monitor, maintain and improve the environment around buildings and utilities
          • E1.2.1 Specify and monitor landscape maintenance
          • E1.2.2 Maintain landscaping
            • LANCS13 Assist with the maintenance of grass surfaces
          • E1.2.3 Maintain structures and services
            • LANCS14 Assist with maintaining structures and surfaces
        • E1.3 Manage and maintain cleaning and waste services and equipment
          • E1.3.1 Maintain the housekeeping service
            • SS16 Maintain housekeeping supplies
          • E1.3.2 Clean areas
            • ASTPC218 Clean and maintain internal surfaces and areas
            • AST_CCR1 Prepare to carry out clean-room cleaning operations
            • AST_CCR2 Carry out and complete clean-room cleaning operations
            • AST_CCR3 Contribute to maintaining the required standard of cleanliness of clean-rooms
            • AST_CCR4 Respond to spillages in clean-rooms
            • INSC010 Clean washrooms and replenish supplies of consumables
            • INSC014 Deep clean equipment and surfaces
            • INSC015 Clean and protect hard and semi-hard floors
            • INSC017 Clean glazed surfaces and façades
            • SCDHSC0246 Maintain a safe and clean environment
            • SS18 Monitor and maintain the cleanliness of environments
            • SS20 Clean furniture, fittings and vertical surfaces manually
            • SS21 Clean toilets and washrooms manually
            • SS30 Clean and service a range of areas
          • E1.3.3 Collect used equipment for cleaning and sterilisation
            • DEC1 Collect used equipment from designated collection point
          • E1.3.4 Sterilise and disinfect equipment used for the provision of health care
            • DEC3 Prepare, load and operate decontamination equipment
            • DEC4 Prepare re-usable medical devices for sterilisation
            • DEC5 Carry out sterilisation and disinfection of re-useable medical devices
          • E1.3.5 Collect waste from health care environments
            • SS14 Collect, transport and dispose of health care waste
          • E1.3.6 Dispose of waste from health care environments
            • CHS187 Dispose safely of biomedical specimens and samples
            • CHS212 Disposal of clinical and non clinical waste within healthcare
            • DEC2 Sort used equipment and dispose of waste from returned items
          • E1.3.7 Provide a linen service
            • GEN81 Collect linen and make beds
            • SS17 Prepare beds and handle linen and bed coverings
            • UKFTTCS15 Inspect and dispatch cleaned textile items
            • UKFTTCS16 Repair and alter textile items
            • UKFTTCS3 Classify textile items and make up loads for cleaning
            • UKFTTCS4 Launder textile items using the washing process
            • UKFTTCS8 Press and finish textile items following laundry
          • E1.3.8 Collect soiled furnishings and clothing for cleaning
            • INSC016 Clean soft floors, carpets and furnishings
      • E2 Maintain vehicles and control the flow of people and resources
        • E2.1 Manage the flow of people and resources
          • E2.1.2 Maintain vehicles used in the provision of healthcare
            • E2.1.2.1 Inspect vehicles
              • IMILV06 Inspect light vehicles
            • E2.1.2.2 Carry out maintenance on vehicles
              • IMIHV01 Carry out routine heavy goods and public service vehicle maintenance
              • IMIHV07 Diagnose and rectify heavy goods and public service vehicle combustion engine and component faults
            • E2.1.2.3 Prepare vehicles for the transport of people, materials and/or equipment
              • GEN9 Prepare vehicles for the transport of people, materials and/or equipment within the health sector
          • E2.1.1 Control and maintain access to premises and property
            • CFA_BAC311 Meet and welcome visitors
            • CFA_BAC312 Provide reception services
            • SS11 Control and monitor access to premises and property
          • E2.1.3 Support and control visitors to services and facilities
            • BDS10 Welcome donors at donation sessions and provide information
            • BDS7 Register donors at donation sessions
            • SCDHSC0245 Receive visitors in health and social care settings
            • SS05 Support and control visitors to services and facilities
          • E2.1.4 Receive goods and materials into storage
            • RAD11 Receive and store radioactive and non-radioactive materials and products for use in manufacture and supply
            • SFLWS25.2018 Receive goods into logistics facilities
            • SS10 Organise the receipt and storage of goods
        • E2.2 Transport people and resources
          • E2.2.1 Move and transport individuals
            • EC22 Operate emergency vehicles
            • EC23 Evacuate and transport individuals who require emergency transport to suitable locations for treatment/intervention/care
            • EUSC50 Monitor and maintain the status of an individual during their post intervention transportation
            • GEN80 Move and transport individuals within a healthcare environment
            • PCS1 Prepare for and transport patients to, within and from the perioperative care environment
            • PCS23 Assist in the transfer and positioning of individuals within the perioperative environment
            • PPLPCVD06 Recognise and assist passengers with additional needs or specific requirements
            • PPLRPVD02 Drive community transport vehicles safely and efficiently
            • PPLRPVD10 Transport passengers in the community transport industry who have special requirements
            • SS12 Drive passenger carrying vehicles safely
            • SS13 Move and transport patients within the work area
          • E2.2.2 Transport resources
            • GEN10 Collect, transport and set down passengers and/or materials and equipment within the health sector
            • RAD8 Transport of radiopharmaceuticals by road
          • E2.2.3 Assess and respond to accidents, breakdowns and incidents during the transportation of people, materials and equipment
            • GEN11 Assess and respond to accidents, breakdowns and incidents during the transportation of people, materials and/or equipment to meet health needs
      • E3 Provide food and drink
        • E3.1 Plan and maintain food services
          • E3.1.1 Maintain the food service
            • IMPSD118 Control stock levels in food and drink operations
            • PPL1GEN5.2016 Clean and store crockery and cutlery
            • PPLHSL10 Supervise food services
        • E3.2 Prepare, cook and serve food and drinks
          • E3.2.1 Prepare hot and cold food and drinks
            • SS26 Prepare food and drink for clients
          • E3.2.2 Cook food and provide hot and cold beverages
            • SS28 Prepare, cook and assemble food for service
          • E3.2.3 Prepare and clear areas for service of food and drinks
            • BDS5 Manage the refreshment area at donation sessions
            • PPL1FBS1 Prepare and clear areas for food and beverage service
          • E3.2.4 Serve food and drinks
            • GEN83 Deliver a trolley service in a healthcare environment
            • GEN87 Provide a table/tray service in a healthcare environment
            • PPL1FS409 Provide a counter/takeaway service
            • PPL2FBS8 Prepare and serve dispensed and instant hot drinks
            • SCDHSC0213 Provide food and drink to promote individuals' health and well being
            • SCDHSC0214 Support individuals to eat and drink
            • SS29 Provide a table/tray service
          • E3.2.5 Maintain food safety when storing, holding and serving food
            • PPL 1GEN6 Maintain a vending machine
            • PPL 2GEN4 Maintain food safety in a kitchen environment
            • SS27 Maintain hygiene in food storage, preparation and cooking
      • F1 Manage education and learning
        • F1.1 Plan and prepare learning and development programmes
          • F1.1.1 Identify learning and development needs of the organisation
            • CLDLD01 Identify collective learning and development needs
            • INSBE019 Identify and secure the required skills for your business enterprise
          • F1.1.2 Design learning and development programmes
            • CLDAL7 Develop and prepare resources
            • CLDLD02 Identify individuals' learning and development
            • CLDLD03 Plan and prepare learning and development programmes
          • F1.1.3 Develop learning and development sessions
            • CLDAL12 Engage in the strategic development of adult learning
            • CLDAL2 Influence and develop adult learning strategy
            • CLDLD04 Plan and prepare specific learning and development opportunities
          • F1.1.4 Prepare learning and development resources
            • CHD EB1 Plan the production of information and advice materials about Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and how to reduce the risk of CHD
            • CHD EB2 Design and produce information and advice materials about Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and how to reduce the risk of CHD
            • CHD EB3 Disseminate information and advice materials about Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and how to reduce the risk of CHD
            • CHD EB4 Evaluate the production and dissemination of information and advice materials about Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and how to reduce the risk of CHD
            • CLDLD05 Develop and prepare resources for learning and development
            • GEN19 Assist others to plan presentations to enable learning
          • CLDAL6 Plan and deliver learning
      • F2 Facilitate learning and development programmes
        • F2.1 Deliver learning and development programmes
          • CLDLD06 Manage learning and development in groups
          • CLDLD07 Facilitate individual learning and development
          • CNH3 Deliver Alexander Technique teaching
          • GEN18 Give presentations to groups
          • PROPM18 Enable learning through demonstrations and instruction
        • F2.2 Assist in the delivery of learning and development for others
          • CLDAL5 Engage and support learners
          • GEN84 Contribute to the planning and evaluation of learning activities
          • GEN86 Support individuals with cognition and learning difficulties
          • JETSCD14 Promote and support effective relationships between communities and public bodies and other agencies
          • JETSCD22 Strengthen the organisational development of groups
          • JETSCD23 Monitor and evaluate community development activities
          • JETSCD24 Manage internal organisational development and external relationships
      • F3 Evaluate and improve learning and development programmes
        • F3.1 Evaluate learning outcomes
          • CLDLD09 Assess learner achievement
          • CLDLD11 Internally monitor and maintain the quality of assessment
          • CLDLD12 Externally monitor and maintain the quality of assessment
        • F3.2 Implement improvements for learning and development programmes
          • CLDAL1 Monitor, evaluate and respond to the impact of trends and developments in Adult Learning in the community
          • CLDLD13 Evaluate and improve learning and development provision
      • F4 Facilitate the learning and development of individuals to help the management of health conditions
        • F4.1 Determine the learning needs of individuals to enable management of their health & well being
          • CLDAL3 Build and maintain relationships with learners to ensure a learner-centred approach
          • PE6 Identify the learning needs of patients and carers to enable management of a defined condition
        • F4.2 Agree a plan to enable individuals to develop the knowledge and skills required to manage their condition
          • CLDAL8 Support learners to achieve their learning goals and objectives
          • PE4 Agree a plan to enable individuals to manage their health condition
          • PT15 Explore with the client how to work within the therapeutic frame and boundaries
        • F4.3 Develop learning tools and methods for individuals and groups with a defined health condition
          • PE7 Develop learning tools and methods for individuals and groups with a defined health condition
        • F4.4 Enable individuals to develop the knowledge and skills to manage their own health needs
          • CHS57 Enable individuals to manage their own long term conditions
          • CLDAL10 Enable learners to identify, reflect and use their learning to enhance their future personal development
          • CLDAL14 Assist learners to assess risk and make informed choices in the management of their health and wellbeing
          • CLDAL9 Assist learners to review their own progress and implement their development objectives
          • Diab IPT02 Provide preliminary education about insulin pump therapy for an individual with Type 1 diabetes
          • Diab IPT03 Provide dietary education for an individual with Type 1 diabetes who is contemplating insulin pump therapy
          • Diab IPT06 Provide ongoing dietary education for an individual with Type 1 diabetes administering insulin by pump
          • PE5 Develop relationships with individuals that support them in addressing their health needs
          • PE8 Enable individuals to manage their defined health condition
          • RenTP12 Help the patient to recognise and respond to symptoms of infections
          • RenTP14 Help the patient develop approaches to lifestyle and health management
        • F4.5 Enable individuals to develop the knowledge and skills to support others in managing their health
          • AL10 Enable staff in educational environments to support the management of an individual's allergy
          • AL11 Enable staff in places of employment to support the management of an individual's allergy
      • F5 Plan research and development activities
        • F5.1 Determine research and development topic worthy of investigation
          • CLDAL4 Build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and the wider community
          • CNH1 Explore and establish the client's needs for complementary and natural healthcare.
          • R&D1 Determine a research and development topic worthy of investigation
        • F5.2 Identify and recommend sources of funding for selected research and development topic
          • CLDAL11 Secure funding and resources
          • R&D2 Identify and recommend sources of funding for selected research and development topics
        • F5.3 Design and formulate specific research and development proposal
          • R&D3 Design and formulate a research and development proposal
          • R&D6 Produce a detailed research and development plan
        • F5.4 Determine resources required to implement research and development proposal
          • R&D4 Determine resources required to implement a research and development proposal
        • F5.5 Obtain approval for selected research and development activities
          • R&D5 Obtain approval for selected research and development activities
      • F6 Implement, review and act on research and development activities
        • F6.1 Conduct investigations in a research and development topic
          • CHS215 Carry out clinical trials in health
          • PHS22 Appraise, plan and manage research related to improving health and wellbeing
          • R&D7 Direct and manage research and development activities
          • R&D8 Conduct investigations in selected research and development topics
          • R&D8a Assist in the research work
          • SCDCPC303 Research and manage information to support commissioning decisions
        • F6.2 Interpret results of research and development activities
          • R&D10 Interpret results of research and development activities
          • R&D9 Collate and analyse data relating to research
        • F6.3 Act on research and development findings
          • PHS23 Interpret research findings and implement them in practice
          • R&D11 Record conclusions and recommendations of research and development activities
          • R&D12 Present findings of research and development activities in written form
          • R&D13 Present findings of research and development activities orally
          • R&D14 Translate research and development findings into practice
          • R&D15 Evaluate and report on the application of research and development findings within practice
      • G1 Design and develop equipment, medical devices and products
        • G1.1 Specify requirements for medical devices, products and equipment
          • CHS201 Commission new products, equipment, medical devices and associated systems within healthcare
          • CHS222.2014 Prescribe the use of equipment, medical devices and products within healthcare
          • OPTM1 Process optical work instructions and provide technical liaison service
        • G1.2 Design equipment, medical devices and products
          • CHS204 Design solutions to meet technical, scientific and/or engineering requirements for healthcare
          • OH14 2022 Assess and advise on the feasibility of meeting client requirements for custom-made dental devices
        • G1.3 Develop new equipment, medical devices and products
          • RT11 Advise on the suitability of existing, new and emerging technology and materials for routine custom made devices
          • RT21 Advise on the suitability of existing, new and emerging technology and materials for non-routine custom made devices
          • RT22 Determine the suitability of new and emerging technology and materials for custom made devices
      • G2 Manufacture, issue, collect and store equipment, medical devices and products
        • G2.1 Manufacture equipment and medical devices
          • CHS205 Manufacture of equipment or medical devices for individuals within healthcare
          • OH15 2022 Produce specific custom-made devices for the design and manufacture of removable prostheses
          • OH16 2022 Design and manufacture complete removable prostheses
          • OH17 2022 Design and manufacture partial removable prostheses
          • OH18 2022 Design and manufacture cast and wrought metallic components and cast frameworks for removable prostheses
          • OH27 2022 Prepare, and produce casts and records for the design and manufacture of orthodontic appliances
          • OH28 2022 Design and manufacture functional orthodontic appliances
          • OH29 2022 Design and manufacture fixed orthodontic appliances
          • OH30 2022 Design and manufacture removable orthodontic appliances
          • OH31 2022 Design and manufacture obturators
          • OH32 2022 Design and manufacture implant-based prostheses
          • OH33 2022 Design and manufacture prostheses using precision attachments
          • OPTM10 Produce lathe-cut contact lenses
          • OPTM11 Set up precision optical manufacturing machinery
          • OPTM12 Operate precision optical manufacturing machinery
          • OPTM2 Prepare to produce ophthalmic appliances
          • OPTM3 Produce spectacle lenses
          • OPTM6 Produce specialised spectacles
          • OPTM7 Block, cut and fit lenses
          • OPTM8 Tint lenses
          • OPTM9 Carry out specialised lens treatments
          • OPTR17 Determine frame and spectacle lens measurements
          • OPTR7 Determine facial, frame and spectacle lens measurements
          • RT1 Prepare and maintain environments, materials and equipment for the routine design and manufacture of custom made devices
          • RT12 Prepare and maintain environments, materials and equipment for the non-routine design and manufacture of custom made devices
          • RT15 Prepare non-routine components for custom made devices
          • RT16 Design and manufacture non-routine custom made devices to fitting stage to meet the prescription
          • RT5 Prepare routine components for custom made devices
          • RT6 Design and manufacture routine custom made devices to fitting stage to meet the prescription
        • G2.2 Manufacture products
          • CH HM4 Plan and maintain the growing of herbs
          • CH HM5 Plan and maintain the harvesting of herbs
          • CH HM6 Prepare herbal medicines in batches
          • CHS238 Capture data to be used in the manufacture of equipment, medical devices and products within healthcare
          • HCS1 Manufacture samples for quality assurance programmes in healthcare
          • OH20 2022 Prepare environments, custom-made trays, casts and dies for the design and manufacture of restorations
          • OH21 2022 Design, manufacture and finish single and integral metallic restorations
          • OH22 2022 Design and manufacture metallic sub-structures for the application of tooth coloured materials
          • OH23 2022 Design and manufacture single tooth coloured restorations
          • OH24 2022 Design and manufacture metallic bridge sub-structures and metallic bridge components
          • OH25 2022 Design and manufacture single tooth coloured restorations based on metallic sub-structures
          • OH26 2022 Design and manufacture tooth coloured bridge restorations based on non-metallic sub-structures
          • OPTM14 Produce moulded contact lenses
          • OPTM17 Produce cosmetic shell eye prosthesis
          • OPTM18 Manufacture half sphere eye prosthesis
          • OPTM19 Produce the iris unit of the eye prosthesis
          • OPTM20 Produce and process the sclera of the eye prosthesis
          • RAD6 Prepare prescribed radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products from raw materials
          • RT2.2014 Produce duplicate models
          • RT23 Produce positive casts prior to rectification
          • RT24 Carry out rectification of casts to meet the prescription
        • G2.3 Issue equipment, medical devices and products
          • CFA_BAF141 Maintain and issue stock items
          • CHS140.2014 Select assistive devices or assistive technology to meet an individual's needs
          • GEN94 Issue equipment, medical devices, products, associated systems and consumables for use within healthcare
          • OPTM13 Verify and package contact lenses
          • OPTR11 Provide a contact lens collection service
          • OPTR19 Supervise the contact lens service
          • OPTR8 Process optical prescriptions and order optical products
          • OPTR9 Provide a spectacle collection service
          • RAD5 Dispense aliquots of radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products for immediate use
          • RAD7 Release manufactured radioactive medicinal products suitable for clinical use
          • SFLWS17.2018 Maintain stock at required levels in logistics operations
          • SFLWS34.2018 Undertake stock checks and record the results in logistics facilities
        • G2.4 Store equipment, devices and products
          • CHS186 Store specimens and samples
          • GEN76 Store and transport medical gas cylinders
          • GEN95 Monitor stock levels of clinical equipment or resources within accepted safe limits
          • OPTM23 Receive and store optical stock
          • OPTR14 Deploy optical practice/store resources to meet identified requirements
      • G3 Commission, test, install, calibrate and evaluate equipment, medical devices and products
        • G3.1 Acceptance test for medical equipment, devices and products
          • CHS202 Acceptance test products, equipment, medical devices and associated systems within healthcare
          • OPTM15 Assure the quality of contact lenses
          • OPTM21 Assure the quality of eye prostheses
          • OPTM4 Assure the quality of uncut spectacle lenses
          • OPTM5 Assure the quality of spectacles
        • G3.2 Install new medical devices and equipment
          • CHS200 Install equipment and associated systems within healthcare
        • G3.3 Commission new medical devices and equipment
          • CHS201 Commission new products, equipment, medical devices and associated systems within healthcare
        • G3.4 Make modifications to fit and adapt equipment, medical devices and products
          • CHS206 Adapt healthcare equipment, medical devices, or products to meet individual’s needs
          • OH13 2022 Fit dental prosthetic devices at the chairside
          • OH19 2022 Reline, rebase, repair and modify removable prostheses
          • OPTM16 Paint the eye from life
          • OPTR10 Provide a spectacle repair and adjustment service
          • RT17 Carry out non-routine finishing of custom made devices
          • RT18 Carry out non-routine modifications to custom made devices
          • RT20 Provide technical assistance with the fitting of non-routine custom made devices
          • RT7 Carry out routine finishing of custom made devices
          • RT8 Provide technical assistance with the fitting of routine custom made devices
          • RT9 Carry out routine modifications to custom made devices
        • G3.5 Test and evaluate equipment, medical devices and products (against a standard)
          • CHS199 Evaluate new and existing products, equipment, medical devices and associated systems in healthcare
          • CHS207 Test medical devices, products, equipment and associated systems within healthcare
          • RAD13 Assess the quality of radioactive medicinal products
        • G3.6 Set up equipment, medical devices and products
          • CHS203 Validate equipment, medical devices, products and associated systems within healthcare
          • CHS209 Optimise performance of healthcare equipment, medical devices, products and associated systems
          • CHS223 Fit healthcare equipment, device, product and/or system to meet clinical and individual needs
          • CHS224 Set up equipment to monitor physiological function
          • GEN82 Check, connect and disconnect medical gas cylinders and outlets
          • HCS2 Preparation of products for use within healthcare activities
          • RAD12 Separate and radiolabel autologous blood components for re-administration to patients
          • RAD4 Prepare radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products
        • G3.7 Calibrate new and existing medical devices and products
          • GEN77 Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment to ensure it is fit for use
      • G4 Maintain, repair and decommission equipment, medical devices and products
        • G4.1 Maintain equipment, medical devices and products
          • CHS166 Maintain use of medical devices to assist organ or system function
          • CHS197 Plan the maintenance of equipment and medical devices within healthcare
          • CHS210 Maintain healthcare equipment, medical devices and associated systems
          • END21 Reprocess endoscopy equipment
          • GEN74 Assure the effective functioning of radiographic image processing equipment
          • GEN78 Conduct routine maintenance on clinical equipment
          • SEMEMI212 Carrying out scheduled maintenance tasks on electrical equipment
        • G4.2 Repair medical devices and equipment
          • CHS208 Repair medical devices, equipment and associated systems within healthcare
          • OPTM22 Repair or modify spectacles
          • RT10 Carry out routine repairs to custom made devices
          • RT19 Carry out non-routine repairs to custom made devices
        • G4.3 Decommission medical devices and equipment
          • CHS211 Decommission equipment, medical devices and associated systems within healthcare
      • H1 Management
        • H1.1 Provide direction
          • H1.1.1 Manage operational plans for an area of responsibility
            • INSBA007 Prepare and coordinate operational plans and procedures
            • INSBA012 Carry out and maintain administrative services
            • INSBE013 Contract for business premises
            • PHS24 Manage the development and direction of work
            • PHS25 Manage services that are aimed at improving health and wellbeing
            • SCDHSC0413 Manage requests for health, social or other care services
            • TECDT70143 Manage digital service delivery operations
          • H1.1.2 Profile the environment in which your organisation operates
            • INSML006 Evaluate your organisation’s operating environment
            • SCDCPC431 Review the social, economic and environmental sustainability of commissioning activity for your area of work
          • H1.1.3 Develop a strategic business plan for the organisation
            • INSBE002 Define and develop your products and services
            • INSBE004 Plan the direction of your business
            • INSML007 Develop your organisation’s vision, strategies and business plans
            • SCDCPC510 Develop a joint strategic commissioning plan
            • SFTMVA1 Contribute to the development of strategy in an organisation that involves volunteers
          • H1.1.4 Put a strategic business plan into operation
            • CFABD5 Carry out the plans for your business
            • INSML043 Implement and evaluate strategic and operational business plans
            • WP8 Implement and review a workforce plan
            • WP9 Contribute to developing and implementing a workforce plan
          • H1.1.5 Provide leadership
            • INSML004 Lead your organisation
            • INSML005 Provide leadership to your team
            • INSML012 Manage Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
            • INSML013 Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements
            • PHP45 Lead others in improving health and wellbeing
            • PHS20 Lead teams and individuals to improve health and wellbeing
            • SEMMAN123-01 Complying with statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements
            • SFTMVD2 Lead and motivate volunteers
          • H1.1.6 Manage business risk
            • CFABL1 Decide on a business location
            • CFALG2 Keep up to date with current legislation affecting your business
            • INSBE012 Find business premieses
            • INSBE050 Seek advice and help for your business
            • INSML010 Develop operational plans and manage risks
            • SfJXA3 Review and support the management of risks for the organisation
          • H1.1.7 Manage demands for services
            • GEN116 Prioritise interventions against available resources and the needs of the population
            • INSBE001 Assess and evaluate the viability of a business and new business ideas
            • OPTR15 Manage optical clinic
            • SFJ HF31 Assess and agree priorities for services and resources
            • SFJCPS 2.1 Assess the needs and required outcomes of services
            • SFJCPS 3.2 Develop plans for services
            • SFJCPS 4.4 Manage the re-design, transfer or conclusion of service provision
            • SFJCPS 9.5 Appraise the feasibility of proposals for policies, projects and programmes in the public sector
            • SFJCPS 9.6 Evaluate policies, projects and programmes in the public sector
            • SFJCPS 9.7 Progress the business case for programmes/projects in the public sector
          • H1.1.8 Market and promote the service
            • CFAMAR3 Analyse marketing research data
            • CFAMSSNS20 Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and sales activities
            • CFAWB10 Make presentations about your business
            • CFAWB2 Plan how to let your customers know about your products or services
            • CFAWB3 Plan how you will sell your products or services
            • CFAWB4 Advertise your products or services
            • CFAWB5 Sell your products or services
            • CFAWB7 Sell your products or services on the internet
            • GEN49 Promote the development of health care services in the local area
            • INSBE008 Explore international markets for your business
            • INSMAR001 Design and plan marketing research
            • INSMAR019 Develop strategies and plans for marketing campaigns and activities
            • INSML046 Develop and implement marketing plans
            • SCDHSC0437 Promote your organisation and its services to stakeholders
            • SFJCPS 3.3 Work with providers to develop the market
          • H1.1.9 Manage public relations
            • SFJCPS 1.1 Engage with service users
            • SFJHG5 Promote the agency and its services through the media
            • SFT F19 Manage supporter retention
            • SFT F23 Promote public trust and confidence in fundraising
            • SFT F3 Contribute to the development of relationships with supporters
          • H1.1.10 Support effective governance
            • FSPMA2 Provide management information
        • H1.2 Facilitate change
          • H1.2.1 Develop the culture of an organisation
            • GEN29 Promote an information culture
            • INSML009 Develop your organisation’s values and culture
            • PHP44 Sustain and share a vision of improving health and wellbeing
          • H1.2.2 Lead change
            • INSBE005 Plan your business exit strategy
          • H1.2.3 Plan change
            • INSML016 Plan change in your work environment
          • H1.2.4 Implement change
            • INSBA001 Support implementation of change in a business environment
            • INSML017 Implement and evaluate change
        • H1.3 Manage and work with people
          • H1.3.1 Contribute to the effectiveness of teams
            • CM C5 Build a partnership between the team, patients and carers
            • GEN39 Contribute to effective multidisciplinary team working
            • GEN41 Identify team members need for psychological support
            • GEN42 Provide psychological support for team members
            • GEN44 Liaise between primary, secondary and community teams
            • INSML024 Build teams and allocate work to team members
            • INSML026 Manage team communications
            • INSML027 Manage flexible and remote working arrangements
            • INSML033 Manage conflicts in work environment
            • LSIILARD3v2 Support team and virtual working
            • RenOP1 Identify the roles of patients, carers and the multidisciplinary renal team
            • SCDCPC304 Facilitate the resolution of issues or conflicts in commissioning, procurement and contracting
            • SCDHSC0241 Contribute to the effectiveness of teams
            • SCDHSC3100 Participate in inter-disciplinary team working to support individuals
            • SCDHSC3121 Promote the effectiveness of teams
            • SFT F5 Support the work of your fundraising team
            • SS02 Contribute to the effectiveness of work teams
          • H1.3.2 Develop relationships with individuals
            • INSBE018 Make deals to take your business forward
            • INSML031 Develop and sustain working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
            • SFT F16 Monitor, enhance and sustain relationships with supporters of your cause
          • H1.3.3 Manage multi-agency collaborative working
            • CFABES005 Help the client to analyse the business opportunity
            • GEN122 Enable workers and agencies to work collaboratively
            • GEN130 Work with teams and agencies to review progress and performance and identify next steps
            • GEN27 Develop, sustain and evaluate collaborative working with other organisations
            • INSML032 Develop and sustain collaborative relationships with departments and other organisations
            • PHS09 Develop and sustain cross-sectoral collaborative working for health and wellbeing
            • SCDCPC412 Collaborate with partners to jointly commission services
            • SCDHSC0399 Maintain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies
            • SCDHSC0433 Develop joint working arrangements for health and social care services
            • SfJHG4 Develop and manage multi-agency partnerships
            • SFJ_CCAA1 Work in co-operation with other organisations
            • SFJ_CCAA2 Share information with other organisations
            • SFJ_CCAC1 Develop, maintain and evaluate emergency plans and arrangements
            • SFJ_CCAF1 Raise awareness of risks, potential impacts and arrangements in place for emergencies
            • SFJ_CCAH2 Manage community recovery from emergencies
          • H1.3.4 Plan the workforce
            • INSML019 Plan the workforce
            • SFTA3 Develop structures, systems and procedures to support volunteering
            • SFTA5 Evaluate volunteers' contribution to strategic goals
            • SFTMVA2 Develop a volunteering policy
            • SFTMVB1 Promote volunteering within your organisation
            • SFTMVD1 Plan, organise and monitor volunteering activities
            • SFTMVD6 Maintain records of volunteers
            • WP1 Identify the purpose and scope of a workforce plan based on service needs
            • WP2 Identify and evaluate forces for change that may impact on the workforce
            • WP3 Contribute to preparing for workforce planning based on service needs
            • WP4 Assess workforce demand
            • WP5 Assess workforce supply
            • WP6 Contribute to assessing workforce demand and supply
            • WP7 Develop a workforce plan
          • H1.3.5 Recruit, select and retain colleagues
            • CFAOP2 Plan what people your business needs
            • CFAOP3 Recruit people for your business
            • INSML020 Recruit, induct and retain employees into their roles
            • SFTMVB2 Promote volunteering to potential and actual volunteers
            • SFTMVC1 Manage the recruitment and placement of volunteers
            • SFTMVC2 Advertise for volunteers
            • SFTMVC3 Recruit and place volunteers
            • SFTMVC4 Manage the induction of volunteers
            • SFTMVC5 Induct volunteers
          • H1.3.6 Participate in meetings
            • INSML034 Lead meetings to achieve objectives
            • SFJ AD3 Represent one's own agency at other agencies' meetings
          • H1.3.7 Represent your organisation
            • SFJ DA2 Present information to courts and formal hearings
            • SFTMVF11 Report to external agencies about volunteering activities
          • H1.3.8 Manage disciplinary and grievance procedures
            • CFAOP7 Deal with workplace problems or disputes
            • INSML023 Follow your organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures
          • H1.3.9 Manage redundancies
            • CFAOP8 Change job roles and handle redundancy
            • INSML022 Manage redundancies
        • H1.4 Manage resources
          • ASTPC206 Control the use of equipment and material in a facilities services environment
          • CFALG5 Assess the environmental impact of your business
          • CFA_BAF131 Order products and services
          • GEN64 Ensure the availability of physical resources
          • GEN65 Make recommendations for the use of physical resources
          • GEN66 Control the use of physical resources
          • INSBE052 Delegate work in your business
          • INSML021 Manage the redeployment of employees to new roles
          • INSML038 Manage physical resources
          • INSML039 Manage the environmental and social impacts of your work
          • INSML040 Optimise the use of technologies
          • RAD2 Plan production of radioactive and non-radioactive medicinal products
          • RAD9 Order approved radioactive medicinal products
          • SCDLMCA4 Manage a dispersed workforce to meet the needs and preferences of individuals at home
          • SfJHE8 Support the efficient use of resources
          • SFTMVD7 Manage volunteers' expenses
        • H1.5 Manage and improve organisational performance
          • H1.5.1 Manage a project
            • INSBA006.2022 Support organisational projects
          • H1.5.2 Manage a programme of complementary projects
            • INSML045 Manage programmes of work or projects
          • H1.5.3 Manage business processes
            • INSBE007 Create the infrastructure for your business
            • INSBE029 Choose a legal format for your business
            • INSBE030 Keep up to date with relevant legislation for your business
            • INSML044 Manage business processes
            • SFJ_CCAD1 Develop, maintain and evaluate business continuity plans and arrangements
            • SFJ_CCAD2 Promote business continuity management
            • SFJ_CCAE1 Create exercises to practice or validate emergency or business continuity arrangements
            • SFJ_CCAE2 Direct and facilitate exercises to practice or validate emergency or business continuity arrangements
          • H1.5.4 Monitor and address customer service problems
            • INSBA010 Deliver and evaluate customer service
            • INSBE017 Win and retain customers for your business
            • INSCS001 Deal with customers
            • INSCS004 Develop customer relationships
            • INSCS008 Provide customer focused service
            • INSCS026 Monitor and solve customer service problems
            • INSML050 Develop a customer-focused organisation
            • INSML052 Manage customer service
            • OPTR3 Deal with customer concerns, complaints and dissatisfactions
            • SFLWS29.2018 Process orders for customers in logistics operations
            • SFLWS30.2018 Assemble orders for dispatch in logistics operations
          • H1.5.5 Improve organisational performance
            • COGPACK22 Solve processing problems
            • INSCS032 Support and implement customer service improvements
            • SFJHF23 Carry out effective evaluation of projects and processes
            • SFJ_CCAE3 Conduct debriefings after emergencies, exercises or other activities
            • SFT F20 Monitor and evaluate fundraising performance
          • H1.5.6 Inform and facilitate decision making
            • INSML014 Use information for decision making
          • H1.5.7 Manage information and knowledge
            • GEN32 Search information, evidence and knowledge resources and communicate the results
            • GEN69 Capture and transmit information using electronic communication media
            • HI1.2010 Identify, and respond to, risks relating to data and information in a health context
            • HI2.2010 Assure the quality of data and information in a health context
            • HI3.2010 Manage risks relating to data and information in a health context
            • HI4.2010 Manage information governance in a health context
            • HI6.2010 Identify and specify data and information requirements in a health context
            • HI9 Monitor, evaluate and improve the management of data and information in a health context
            • INSML041 Manage information, knowledge and communication systems
            • LSIILARD5v2 Facilitate knowledge capture
            • LSIILARD6v2 Enable the transfer of knowledge into information
            • LSIILARD7v2 Foster knowledge management culture, behaviours and skills
            • LSIILARF10v2 Present information in appropriate formats for customers
            • LSIILARF3v2 Promote resources and services
            • SFJHF14 Plan, implement and manage systems for the exchange of sensitive information, data and intelligence
            • SFJ_CCAA3 Manage information to support civil protection decision making
      • H2 Administration
        • H2.1 Administer diary appointment systems
          • GEN25 Administer appointments
          • SS31 Administer patient appointments
        • H2.2 Organise and co-ordinate events
          • INSBA016 Organise and coordinate corporate events
          • INSBA017 Organise and coordinate business travel and accommodation
          • INSBA018 Organise and run meetings
        • H2.3 Manage an office environment
          • CFA_BAA121 Supervise an office facility
          • INSBA023 Manage office facilities, resources and equipment
        • H2.4 Handle mail
          • CFA_BAA612 Handle mail
          • SFLMS146.2018 Collect mail
          • SFLMS150.2018 Sort mail manually
          • SFLMS151.2018 Deliver mail
          • SS15 Distribute and dispatch mail
        • H2.5 Produce documents to an agreed specification
          • CFA_BAA213 Prepare text from notes
          • CFA_BAA441 Take minutes
          • CFA_BAD311 Prepare text from shorthand
          • CFA_BAD312 Prepare text from recorded audio instruction
          • INSBA013 Design and produce documents in a business environment
          • INSBA015 Develop and deliver a presentation
          • SS08 Support the use of information technology
        • H2.6 Receive and pass on messages and information
          • CFA_BAA621 Make and receive telephone calls
          • CFA_BAA622 Use voicemail message systems
          • SCDHSC0242 Deal with messages and information
          • SCDHSC3115 Process information for use in decision-making
          • SS07 Receive, transmit, store and retrieve information
        • H2.7 Use office equipment
          • CFA_BAA231 Use office equipment
      • H3 Finance
        • H3.1 Procurement and commissioning
          • H3.1.1 Manage a procurement strategy
            • SFLSCM81.2018 Plan the procurement of supplies in the supply chain
          • H3.1.2 Procure goods and services
            • ECIPMD11 Procure external project resources
            • INSML056 Produce and procure products and services from external suppliers
            • RAD10 Tender for products of suitable quality for preparation of radioactive medicinal products
            • SCDHSC0443 Procure services for individuals
          • H3.1.3 Manage suppliers and contracts
            • GEN93 Monitor performance of contractors within healthcare
            • INSML048 Bid for contracts to supply products and services
            • INSML058 Outsource business processes
            • SCDCPC306 Take action to promote contract compliance
            • SFJCPS 4.2 Manage service provider performance
            • SFJCPS 4.3 Work with service providers to maximise and enhance service provision
            • SFJHF18 Specify, commission and manage external contracts and agreements
          • H3.1.4 Develop specifications for services
            • CFA_BAF132 Prepare specifications for contracts
          • H3.1.5 Invite tenders and award contracts for services
            • INSBA019 Prepare and maintain contracts
            • INSBE020 Sub-contract work for your business
            • INSML057 Select suppliers through a tendering process
            • SFJCPS 4.1 Specify and award contracts for services
        • H3.2 Manage payroll systems
          • FINPSA019 Managing the Payroll Function
          • INSBE023 Set up and manage a pension scheme
          • INSBE040 Prepare and pay wages
        • H3.3 Manage a budget
          • INSML037 Manage budgets
          • SCDCPC509 Enable your organisation to align or pool budgets with commissioning partners
        • H3.4 Obtain additional finance for the organisation
          • CFABD10 Get support for a creative business idea
          • CFAMN6 Invest capital in your business
          • CFAWB9 Bid for work for your business
          • GEN55 Obtain and monitor the use of the funds required to implement plans to meet local needs for health care services
          • SFT F1 Assist with planning fundraising activity
          • SFT F11 Develop and implement a plan for legacy fundraising
          • SFT F12 Develop and implement a plan for corporate fundraising activity
          • SFT F13 Develop and implement a plan for the generation of grant income
          • SFT F14 Develop and implement a plan for major gift fundraising
          • SFT F18 Develop and implement an overall fundraising strategy
          • SFT F2 Assist with fundraising implementation
          • SFT F27 Represent Fundraising to the Board
          • SFT F6 Receive and process donations
          • SFT F9 Develop and implement a plan for community fundraising
        • H3.5 Administer financial management systems
          • FSPCP03.2017 Operate credit control procedures
          • FSPFA5 Draft financial statements
          • INSBE031 Identify your business financial requirements
          • INSBE032 Set and monitor financial targets for your business
          • INSBE033 Maintain financial records for your business
          • INSBE034 Manage cash flow in your business
          • INSBE035 Manage customers' payments
          • INSBE037 Get finance for your business
          • INSBE038 Monitor borrowing for your business
          • INSBE039 Carry out banking for your business
          • INSBE041 Complete VAT registration and submit returns for your business
          • INSML036 Manage financial resources
        • H3.6 Carry out financial transactions
          • GEN26 Deal with financial transactions within a health facility
          • PPL2GEN12 Maintain and deal with payments