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GEN134 Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour


For this standard you need to contribute to the prevention and management of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour. Within both statutory and agency frameworks, when abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour occurs, you need to be able to manage and support the review of incidents. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:
  1. legal, organisational and policy requirements relevant to your role and the activities being carried out
  2. any factors relating to the agency's policies and practices which have affected the work undertaken
  3. how to evaluate your own competence when at work and decide when further support and expertise are needed
  4. how to adapt communication styles in ways which meet the individual's needs, strengths and capabilities
  5. the ways in which individuals communicate by behaviour as well as through language and how different forms of behaviour can be interpreted
  6. constraints to effective communication
  7. methods of establishing and maintaining contact which are likely to maximise productive and minimise unproductive engagement with individuals
  8. how to identify the triggers of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour and the appropriate action to take if situations arise that are beyond your scope of practice
  9. the ways in which feelings of anger and frustration can be displaced from their original source to those in authority and how to deal with this
  10. the difference between aggression and assertiveness
  11. the possible reasons for different sorts of behaviour occurring, especially those which may be viewed as aggressive, abusive or challenging
  12. your responsibility and accountability for the wellbeing of individuals
  13. the effects which your behaviour may have on others and how your behaviour may be interpreted and impact on others
  14. the ways in which the individuals' culture and gender can influence your practice
  15. the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice and how they are applied
  16. the ways in which stereotyping and discrimination might affect risk assessment and how to guard against this
  17. the principle of confidentiality and the implications for your practice
  18. the importance of keeping full and accurate records, and how to do so in line with organisational requirements

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:
  1. communicate with others in a manner which:
    1. is appropriate to them
    2. encourages an open exchange of views and information
    3. minimises any constraints to communication
    4. is free from discrimination and oppression
    5. acknowledges the rights of everyone present and is supportive of those rights
  2. maintain the environment in a way which encourages meaningful interactions
  3. take actions to promote a calm and safe environment which minimises any restriction of movement and which does not deny people's rights
  4. take appropriate action to identify and reduce the likelihood of triggers to abusive, aggressive or challenging behaviour occurring and to enable individuals to find alternative ways of expressing their feelings
  5. take constructive action to minimise and defuse identified abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour which is consistent with:
    1. any inherent risks
    2. the maintenance of effective working relationships
    3. agency policy and procedures
    4. evidence of effective practice
  6. acknowledge opposing interests and take constructive action to address them
  7. take prompt action to protect those at whom abusive, aggressive or challenging behaviour is directed
  8. call for any necessary assistance and support without delay
  9. act in a manner which is likely to promote calm and which offers reassurance and make this clear to all involved
  10. manage physically aggressive behaviour in ways which are consistent with statutory and agency requirements and use the safest possible methods for:
    1. the individual
    2. you
    3. others
  11. encourage those involved in incidents to contribute to reviewing the incident
  12. offer time, space and support so that everyone involved can express their feelings and examine their behaviour
  13. explore constructively with everyone involved the reasons for, and consequences of, the abusive, aggressive or challenging behaviour
  14. make referrals to the appropriate people if specialist help is required
  15. make clear and constructive contributions to team discussions about incidents of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour and agency practice in dealing with them
  16. manage your own feelings caused by the incident in a way which recognises your right to have such feelings and recognises that not all incidents are capable of prevention
  17. complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to organisational requirements
  18. provide accurate and clear information to others so that any issues and needs can be addressed

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard replaced AB3. This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004): Dimension: Core 4 Service improvement
GEN134 Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive, aggressive and challenging behaviour
Final version approved February 2014 © copyright Skills For Health,
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