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GEN12 Reflect on and evaluate your own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness


This standard covers reflecting on and evaluating your own values, interests, priorities and effectiveness in practice as it is only through knowing yourself that you can reflect on the effectiveness of your interaction with others. The standard applies to all workers in the health and social care sector who are accountable for their own actions and responsible for their own development.  This includes registered and unregistered staff. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:

  1. The importance of understanding your own personal beliefs and preferences, values, interests and priorities when working with others in relation to their health and social wellbeing
  2. The networks and support systems which may be available and the nature of the support they may give
  3. The advantages of different networks and support systems for different people and situations and why they may be of particular importance in crisis situations
  4. The support which others may give to reflecting on practice
  5. The range of sources available in your own area of practice and how this compares with other practitioner groups
  6. How interests, priorities and values may affect your own work and change over time
  7. The factors which affect health and social wellbeing and the ones of particular importance in your own situation
  8. The nature of the inter-relationships between yourself and others with whom you work and how this may affect your ability to work effectively
  9. The limits of your own work role and its inter-relationship with the work roles of others
  10. The relationship of strengths and limitations to different contexts and work with different people
  11. The role of development programmes in learning more about yourself and the use which can be made of these
  12. The meaning of the term ‘learning styles’ and your own learning style
  13. How you can evaluate your own values and practices constructively
  14. Effective ways of challenging and developing yourself in relation to values and attitudes
  15. The meaning of the term ‘reflective practitioner’ and how you can become more reflective in your work
  16. How to tackle your own behaviour and practice effectively when it adversely affects how you work with different people
  17. How to assess your own strengths and limitations
  18. How to access and use networks and support systems

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

  1. identify your own values, interests and priorities in relation to health and social wellbeing
  2. think about and identify the impact which your own values, interests and priorities have on your own practice and personal life
  3. acknowledge the factors which have influenced your own health and social wellbeing together with how these have affected your own values
  4. reflect on your own personal beliefs and preferences to identify the effect which they have had on how you think about and work with others
  5. evaluate your own strengths in working with others and your effectiveness in different settings
  6. monitor the outcomes and processes of your own work and evaluate their effectiveness
  7. identify the ways in which your own work can be improved
  8. develop specific plans to tackle any behaviour and practice which might directly affect how well you can work with different individuals and groups
  9. use effective support systems and networks for ongoing and crisis situations
  10. use feedback from others constructively to inform change and development

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004): Dimension: Core 2 - Personal and People Development
GEN12 Reflect on and evaluate your own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health,
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