CNH24 Provide Microsystems Acupuncture to clients
This standard focuses on the practitioners’ ability to insert solid needles into specific, well defined areas of the body which reflect the whole of the body, both structurally and functionally in a topographic manner in order to reflexively regulate corresponding body structures and systems, for disease prevention, therapy or maintenance of health.
Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies.
Version No 1
Knowledge and Understanding
You will need to know and understand:
- the history, principles and development of Microsystems Acupuncture
- the rules, ethical standards and codes of conduct of Microsystems Acupuncture
- the importance of, and need to develop, a sensitive and intuitive approach to clients and their needs
- the importance of building a relationship of trust and support
- the importance of treating every client as an individual
- the importance of encouraging the client to be actively involved in their treatment
- the different assessment methods which may be applicable for assessing the client’s needs and evidence of their efficacy
- the importance of obtaining written informed consent before touching the client
- the importance of recognising and maintaining the client’s legal and ethical rights to confidentiality
- how to analyse an individual using the appropriate Microsystems Acupuncture techniques and a case history (which includes medical conditions and other factors conveyed by the client together with the acute/chronic nature of each issue and the client’s priority for improvement)
- the treatment options available to a Microsystems Acupuncture practitioner and how they should be implemented
- how to locate and recognise areas of functional imbalance and/or resistance, and facilitate the client’s innate self-healing ability
- how to facilitate the integration of therapeutic changes which may have occurred during treatment
- how to identify and work with the following responses to the treatment:
- physical
- emotional
- psychological
- no response
- how to respond to the physiological presentation of shock, emotional and/or physical trauma during the treatment
- how to recognise the completion of an individual’s therapeutic process and leave them grounded and balanced
- the potential outcomes of Microsystems Acupuncture:
- resolution of the problem
- increase in well-being
- supporting the client in their process
- healing reactions
- abreactions
- no change
- how to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of Microsystems Acupuncture
- how to recognise those occasions when Microsystems Acupuncture may be appropriate and/or may complement other healthcare which the client is receiving
- how to recognise conditions for which Microsystems Acupuncture alone would be ill advised and for which the client should seek advice from other sources
- the circumstances when you may choose not to accept a client or to cease treating a client:
- Microsystems Acupuncture is unlikely to succeed
- the client does not want Microsystems Acupuncture
- you do not wish to provide Microsystems Acupuncture
- how Microsystems Acupuncture is contra-indicated
- the range, purpose and limitations of different methods, which may be used for different clients with different needs
- how to determine the most appropriate method(s) for different clients and their particular needs
- how to tailor treatment appropriately for each individual
- how to assess the appropriateness of self-care strategies for the client
- relevant anatomy for safe needling practice
- relevant microbiology for safe clinical practice
- relevant physiology, pathology and pharmacology
- the limits of your competence, training and expertise, and when to refer the client on to other practitioners
- the procedures for record keeping in accordance with legal and professional requirements
Performance Criteria
You must be able to do the following:
- consult with the client and plan the Microsystems Acupuncture
- ensure that the interventions used are within your scope of practice
- obtain written informed consent to Microsystems Acupuncture
- check that the environment meets the clients needs
- ensure that any equipment and materials are ready for use and meet professional codes of practice, health and safety, legal and organisational requirements
- prepare yourself appropriately to provide Microsystems Acupuncture
- position the client for effective Microsystems Acupuncture and to give as much comfort as possible
- carry out the Microsystems Acupuncture safely and correctly
- make appropriate adjustments to the Microsystems Acupuncture to meet any changing needs
- deal effectively with the client’s response to the Microsystems Acupuncture
- check the client’s well-being throughout and give reassurance where needed
- work with other professional, support staff, clients and users, relatives and carers
- provide clear and accurate advice with regard to any relevant aftercare
- evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of the Microsystems Acupuncture to inform future plans and actions
- complete and maintain records in accordance with professional and legal requirements
Additional Information
This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health.
This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004):
Dimension: HWB7 Interventions and treatments
Related Functions
Principles of Good Practice
CNH1 Explore and establish the client’s needs for complementary and natural healthcare
CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with client