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PT11 Conclude cognitive and behavioural therapy with the client


This standard shows how the planned conclusion of cognitive and behavioural therapy is signalled, how planning for it starts early in the therapy and how it includes preparing the strategies that the client can use to maintain the benefits of therapy and anticipate how to deal with problems that might arise. This standard describes therapeutic practice that has been shown to benefit adult clients engaged in cognitive and behavioural therapy for healthcare reasons, particularly depression and anxiety disorders. (See reference in the additional information section on page 3.) To apply this standard, practitioners also need to take account of the multiple problems and complex co-morbidities that individual clients may bring to therapy. Cognitive and behavioural therapy should be offered as part of an explicit and structured approach agreed within the treatment team and with the client. Users of this standard will need to ensure that they are receiving supervision and that their practice reflects up to date information and policies. This standard should be understood in the context of the Digest of National Occupational Standards for Psychological Therapies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:

    Concluding therapy
  1. indications of resistance to concluding therapy
  2. the types of problem that the client might experience after therapy finishes
  3. effective strategies for maintaining therapy gains
  4. techniques and strategies for managing relapse
  5. collaborative techniques in cognitive and behavioural therapy

    Goals for cognitive and behavioural therapy
  6. how to evaluate when goals are motivating or demotivating for the client

    Measurement for cognitive and behavioural therapy
  7. the use of standardised and non-standardised means of measuring outcome
  8. techniques for the client to self-monitor
  9. how the client may reveal their comfort or discomfort with the way in which therapy is going
  10. methods of measuring behaviour, emotion and cognition

    Working together in cognitive and behavioural therapy
  11. verbal and non verbal behaviours
  12. listening skills
  13. effective and ineffective interpersonal behaviours
  14. personal self awareness
  15. how to engender trust
  16. how to develop rapport
  17. professional boundaries and codes of conduct
  18. how to ‘read’ and interpret the client’s emotional reactions
  19. possible sources of therapeutic impasse

    Principles and practice of cognitive and behavioural therapy
  20. cognitive and behavioural models of depression and anxiety disorders and their underlying mechanisms
  21. the principles underlying cognitive and behavioural approaches to common psychological problems
  22. the psychological and social difficulties presented by clients with common psychological problems
  23. the stages of human development throughout a life span and how they affect people and their needs
  24. the impact of social relationships and environment on health and wellbeing
  25. the changes in cognitive ability and the impact that age related transitions have on interpersonal networks
  26. the effects and impact of prescribed medication, non-prescribed drugs and alcohol on the client’s health and wellbeing
  27. how to adapt your communication to the client’s individual needs

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

  1. conclude therapy in a manner that has a clear rationale, is understood by the client and has been collaboratively agreed
  2. share possible plans for the conclusion of therapy at points during therapy when it will be of therapeutic benefit
  3. help the client identify and talk about their concerns about conclusion at any stage of therapy
  4. collaborate with the client to plan strategies and techniques they could use to maintain the achievements made in therapy once therapy has ended
  5. help the client identify events which have led to their problem in the past and plan strategies to manage these events if they recur
  6. help the client understand the nature of a crisis threatening to themselves or others, how it might occur and how to respond to it
  7. help the client identify how they can reconnect with you or others in your service if they need to
  8. complete the final assessment measures relevant to the client’s problems and experience
  9. elicit feedback from the client about their experience of the therapy, its ending and the need for follow up or further support and resources

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard is derived from research reported in Roth A D and Pilling S (2007) The competences required to deliver effective cognitive and behavioural therapy for people with depression and with anxiety disorders. Department of Health/University College London. This standard has indicative links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004). Dimension: HWB4 Enablement to address health and wellbeing needs
PT11 Conclude cognitive and behavioural therapy with the client
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health,
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