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CNH16 Integrate and evaluate information about individuals' health and well-being within the context of homeopathy


This standard is about the work that a homeopath will do to integrate and evaluate information about the individual’s health and well-being. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:

  1. Effective strategies and methodologies for analysing, integrating and synthesising a wide range of information
  2. The relevance and relative importance of the different aspects of the case for treatment planning and prescribing
  3. Ways in which symptoms may be suppressed or altered by other factors
  4. Principles of causation and totality: the relevance of what might have caused the illness and the importance of taking a full case history and symptom picture
  5. Principles and methods of categorising symptoms, including:
    1. physical/emotional/mental/general/particular
    2. concomitant
    3. complete/incomplete
    4. common
    5. characteristic
    6. striking, individualising symptoms (‘strange, rare and peculiar’)
    7. symptoms of ‘indisposition’
    8. symptoms of miasms
    9. exciting and maintaining causes
    10. pathognomonic symptoms
    11. iatrogenic symptoms
  6. The relative value of symptoms and patterns in terms of:
    1. intensity
    2. level of detail
    3. completeness
    4. frequency and duration
    5. rhythm/periodicity/onset
    6. aetiology
    7. characteristic nature
    8. susceptibility
    9. persistence
    10. expressions of a major theme
    11. summaries or symbols of the individual as a whole
  7. The nature, purpose and importance of prognosis in homeopathy, and how this differs from conventional medical prognosis
  8. Factors to consider when evaluating a case, including:
    1. vitality
    2. age
    3. nature and duration of symptoms
    4. medical history (individual and family)
    5. aetiology
    6. miasmatic influences
    7. suppressive factors
    8. exciting and maintaining causes
    9. current conventional prognoses, treatment and any medication being taken
    10. other treatments the individual is undertaking
    11. experience and effectiveness of previous treatment (homeopathic and other)
    12. the individual's expectations and preferences
  9. Principles of the direction of cure, the return of symptoms and their application
  10. How to access, understand and use information on the effects , side effects and interactions of drugs and substances
  11. The dangers or consequences of individuals withdrawing from drugs and substances

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

  1. ensure the information is full and accurate
  2. encourage individuals to provide further information and/or agree how such information can be obtained if necessary
  3. evaluate the information using strategies which are:
    1. appropriate to the symptom picture
    2. appropriate to the goal and stage of treatment
    3. consistent with principles and practice of homeopathy
  4. use appropriate homeopathic strategies to analyse and integrate all of the information available to prioritise the most characteristic symptoms and patterns in the case
  5. note future reference symptoms and patterns which are not included in the initial prioritisation
  6. explain the outcomes of the evaluation to the individual in an appropriate manner, level and pace
  7. review with the individual their priorities and goals for homeopathic treatment in the light of the evaluation
  8. record the outcomes of the evaluation
  9. complete and maintain records in accordance with professional and legal requirements
  10. seek advice and support promptly from an appropriate source if it becomes apparent that professional discussion and supervision is needed

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004): Dimension: HWB6 Assessment treatment and planning This standard has replaced HM1. Related Functions Principles of Good Practice CNH1 Explore and establish the client's needs for complementary and natural healthcare CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
CNH16 Integrate and evaluate information about individuals' health and well-being within the context of homeopathy
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health,
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