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CNH15 Explore and evaluate with individuals factors relating to their health and well-being within the context of homeopathy


This standard is about the work that a homeopath will do to consult with individuals regarding their health and well-being needs.  It is a process known in homeopathy as taking the case. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:

  1. How the psychological and emotional balance, as well as diet and lifestyle of the individual, can affect their health and well being
  2. How the context in which people live affects their health and well-being
  3. Physical functioning and development of the human body
  4. Disease processes and their manifestations sufficient to recognise a conventional diagnosis and to understand its implications
  5. Medical terms and disease processes sufficient to maintain a dialogue with other health care practitioners and to assist in exploring the following for the purpose of homeopathic assessment, prognosis and treatment:
    1. the meaning and significance of medical information and diagnoses
    2. the difference between common and characteristic symptoms and modalities
    3. which, if any, examinations are relevant and safe for individuals, referring to other health care practitioners for advice if necessary or desirable
    4. the likely causes and progression of disease processes
    5. possible distinctions between common, pathognomonic, iatrogenic and characteristic symptoms
    6. integration and management of the individual’s treatment when they are seeking to comply with different and or multiple regimes
    7. common and major signs and symptoms of conditions which could pose a serious risk to individuals’ health and well-being, and which are consistent with the practitioner’s role in relation to medical diagnosis
  6. How to access informed advice on unfamiliar conditions
  7. The nature of disability and the role of the practitioner in working with individuals who have disabilities
  8. The relevant legislation, professional standards and codes of conduct
  9. How to obtain consent from individuals in accordance with legal and professional standards
  10. The importance of a suitable environment and making clients feel welcome
  11. Effective ways of enabling individuals to talk through relevant aspects of their lives in a way which is sensitive to their needs and concerns (eg active listening, reflecting, clarifying and summarising, guiding, questioning)
  12. Approaches and techniques for eliciting information (eg open questions) and appropriate combinations/sequence of approaches at different times during consultation
  13. The importance of not imposing one’s own beliefs, values and attitudes on individuals, of enabling them to express themselves in their own way and of recognising the value of their own beliefs, attitudes and experiences
  14. Significant aspects of appearance, body language, speech and behaviour, and how to recognise and interpret them
  15. Situations where it may be necessary or useful to involve someone else in consultation (eg when treating children)
  16. The potential for misunderstanding and misrepresentation when other people are involved in discussions, and ways of minimising such risks and establishing the facts
  17. Dynamics of family relationships and of individual/practitioner relationships and how individuals’ willingness to talk freely may be affected by the presence of a third party
  18. The extent of the practitioner’s role and competence in relation to various types of examination and when it might be necessary to refer, including:
    1. the information which can be obtained from a variety of examinations and how this can supplement and enhance that gained from talking to the individual
    2. equipment, materials and methods for carrying out examinations
    3. common medical tests and other diagnostic procedures, the information they can provide, and how this information can be used to support the use of appropriate investigations to guide the management of the problem
    4. sources of information on the meaning and implications of test results and how to access and use these sources
  19. How to record information accurately for assessment and treatment purposes
  20. The purpose of informing individuals and their companions of the nature and duration of the consultation and the type of information which may be entered on records
  21. How to be supportive to individuals and their companions whilst recognising that this is resource intensive and may bring other pressures to bear, such as the number of individuals who can be seen in one period of time
  22. The limits and boundaries of the practitioner’s role and when there may be a need to advise the individual to consult other health care practitioners
  23. How to show respect for the individual's privacy and dignity and minimise any discomfort given the sensitive nature of consultations
  24. The procedures for record keeping in accordance with legal and professional requirements
  25. The principles and consequences of treating like with like and using minimum dose
  26. The importance of getting full information on both presenting problems and relevant contextual factors for effective homeopathic treatment
  27. The scope and significance of the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental factors which should be explored with individuals, including:
    1. onset, duration and intensity/severity of symptoms
    2. current physical, mental/emotional/spiritual and general states and modalities of a general or particular nature
    3. personal medical history
    4. family medical history
    5. significant life events and reactions to them
    6. lifestyle, work and home situation  including any stressors
    7. reaction to environmental and social factors
  28. The awareness of the patterns and themes emerging from the consultation
  29. Homeopathic criteria against which to evaluate information given by individuals in order to focus further questioning and discussion
  30. Principles of direction of cure and how to apply them
  31. How to evaluate a range of methodologies and use them creatively in response to the dynamics of each consultation
  32. The ability to manage uncertainties without reaching hasty conclusions

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

  1. prepare and conduct the consultation in a way that allows full focus on the individual
  2. encourage individuals to make themselves comfortable and at ease and establish a therapeutic relationship in which the practitioner is fully present
  3. enable individuals to explore, describe and explain aspects of their lives which are significant and to express these spontaneously and in their own way to obtain a full symptom picture
  4. remain open to all information and avoid bias
  5. observe and evaluate the individual’s approach and manner during the consultation and note behaviours which may be characteristic of the individual and their significant symptoms
  6. facilitate the individual to explore the significance of the symptoms and to identify any emerging patterns or themes
  7. undertake only those examinations which:
    1. are within the professional competence of the practitioner
    2. are necessary to make an assessment of the individual’s needs and condition consistent with the practitioner’s role
    3. are safe for the individual
    4. have the consent of the individual or someone acting on their behalf
    5. are consistent with statutory regulations and ethical guidelines
  8. assess the potential risk for the individual associated with the course of any presenting condition
  9. explain any need to obtain information from other people on the individual’s health and well-being and seek their consent to do this
  10. obtain any relevant information from other health care practitioners in an appropriate manner
  11. balance additional information gained against the overall picture of the individual’s needs to confirm or deny any developing hypotheses
  12. discuss with individuals their aims and priorities for homeopathic treatment
  13. record the outcomes of the consultation completely and accurately to allow other practitioners to take the treatment forward if necessary

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004): Dimension: HWB6 Assessment and treatment planning This standard has replaced HM1. Related Functions Principles of Good Practice CNH1 Explore and establish the client's needs for complementary and natural healthcare CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
CNH15 Explore and evaluate with individuals factors relating to their health and well-being within the context of homeopathy
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health,
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