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CNH10 Provide Naturopathy to clients


Naturopathy is a philosophy and holistic healthcare system that recognises the healing power of nature present in all living things.  As a healing system it aims to promote and restore health by employing various natural treatment approaches that may include: naturopathic nutrition, lifestyle advice, detoxification techniques, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, naturopathic psychosocial support and other appropriate techniques. Naturopaths interpret presenting symptoms as the individual’s unique response to physical, emotional, environmental or genetic stress factors. The practitioner’s role is to identify these underlying causes and to support the healing power of nature within the individual.  Naturopathy is also a way of life and the naturopath will help empower individuals through education about lifestyle, diet and exercise. This standard is about working with individuals to provide naturopathic healthcare. It describes the minimum competence specific to naturopathy.  Many naturopaths will have a much wider range of competences and specialisms than those described here. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. Version No 1

Knowledge and Understanding

You will need to know and understand:

  1. The development of naturopathic medicine and key naturopathic pioneers
  2. The similarities and differences between orthodox (conventional) medicine and naturopathic medicine
  3. the naturopathic principles and philosophy of health and disease
  4. the principles of:
    1. the healing power of nature
    2. identifying and addressing the causes
    3. first do no harm
    4. the naturopath as educator
    5. treating the whole person
    6. prevention
  5. anatomy and physiology which are essential to the understanding of the foundation of disease as understood by orthodox (conventional) medicine and relevant to naturopathic practice
  6. the function of water, key macro and micronutrients and their metabolic processes and interactions
  7. naturopathic perspective of the homeostatic and web-like interactions of physiological processes
  8. the functioning and interaction among the following bodily systems at the molecular, cellular and systemic levels:
    1. skeletal
    2. muscular
    3. nervous
    4. sensory
    5. endocrine
    6. respiratory
    7. digestive
    8. urinary
    9. excretory
    10. reproductive
    11. circulatory
    12. lymphatic and immune
    13. integumentary
  9. the integration of the above systems and their role in detoxification pathways
  10. the aetiology and clinical features of a broad range of common diseases in all bodily systems
  11. the clinical signs and symptoms generated by the body’s response to stress or injury through exposure to toxins, chemicals, physical and infectious agents, other environmental factors, genetic predisposition, emotional and psychosocial factors
  12. the impact of stress on bodily systems
  13. the processes which lead to the breakdown of bodily function and subsequent disease
  14. common terminology used in pathology
  15. the actions and side effects of the major classes of orthodox (conventional) drugs and how to access information about pharmaceuticals
  16. recognised interactions between food, drugs and supplements within a naturopathic context
  17. how to take a naturopathic case history and conduct clinical examinations encompassing lifestyle, physical, emotional, nutritional assessment and biochemical aspects
  18. the types of diagnostic tests and their application to support decision making
  19. how to form a naturopathic assessment and evaluation
  20. how to put naturopathic principles and philosophy of health and disease into practice
  21. how the results of naturopathic assessment and consultation inform treatment planning
  22. how to support the client to make informed choices within a wide range of naturopathic approaches
  23. how to recognise red flag symptoms which require urgent or non-urgent referral to orthodox (conventional) care
  24. how to advise clients concerning what to expect after treatment, possible discomforts and the reasons for these
  25. how to support the client during change and recognise progress in health
  26. how to decide on appropriate actions following review
  27. the naturopathic approach to food and diet as a primary means to maintaining and restoring good health
  28. the naturopathic perspective on the use of food supplements
  29. the naturopathic perspective of detoxification
  30. the various detoxification techniques
  31. how to identify individual situations where detoxification techniques would be appropriate or contra-indicated
  32. the use and application of physical therapies such as touch therapies, body work and exercise within a naturopathic context
  33. the physiological mechanisms that underpin the principles of physical therapies
  34. the effects, indications and contraindications of physical therapies
  35. the physiological mechanisms that underpin the principles of hydrotherapy
  36. the use and application of external and/or internal hydrotherapy
  37. the effects, indications and contraindications of a broad range of hydrotherapeutic techniques
  38. the role of emotions in health and disease processes
  39. the various consultation techniques and natural approaches for addressing emotional issues
  40. the importance of the basic lifestyle requirements for health
  41. the impact of the following on health and disease: environment, disposition, behaviour and attitude
  42. how to advise on stress management
  43. how to advise on healthy eating

Performance Criteria

You must be able to do the following:

  1. conduct a naturopathic assessment, evaluate the approach to be taken and plan the treatment
  2. ensure that the environment meets the client’s needs
  3. ensure that any equipment and materials are ready for use
  4. position the client for effective naturopathic treatment and to give as much comfort as possible
  5. implement the naturopathic treatment safely, correctly and in accordance with professional codes of practice, legal and organisational requirements
  6. make appropriate adjustments to the naturopathic treatment to meet any changing needs
  7. check the client’s well-being throughout and give reassurance where needed
  8. provide clear and accurate advice with regard to the naturopathic treatment, and any relevant aftercare and self-care
  9. evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of the naturopathic treatment to inform future plans and actions
  10. complete and maintain records in accordance with professional and legal requirements

Additional Information

This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health. This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004): Dimension: HWB7 Interventions and treatments Related Functions Principles of Good Practice CNH1 Explore and establish the client's needs for complementary and natural healthcare CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients General Naturopathic Council (GNC) Core Elements and Standards There are additional National Occupational Standards which may be relevant to Naturopathy covering individual therapeutic techniques which link to the competences described in this document. These may be useful for the future Continuing Professional Development of Naturopaths and curriculum development.
CNH10 Provide Naturopathy to clients
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health,
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