CH K1 Assess the needs of the client (Kinesiology)
This standard describes the role of the practitioner in assessing clients’ needs which affect their health, effective functioning and well-being. This involves evaluating requests for kinesiology and the initial information received on the client, whether it is provided by the client him/herself or comes from another source, such as a referral. In doing this the practitioner needs to consider whether it is appropriate to work with the client or not. The evaluation will include determining the urgency of the client’s needs and the overall caseload of the practitioner, together with making the necessary arrangements for the assessment to take place. If the decision is made to see the client, the nature and purpose of the assessment is agreed with them and their needs identified. Some clients may be accompanied by a companion(s). Where this occurs the practitioner is expected to interact with the companion(s) in ways that are appropriate to the needs of the client and the needs of the practitioner. The subsequent assessment aims to determine the nature and extent of the client’s needs and to agree a course of action with them. This may be to develop a complementary healthcare programme for the client, to refer the client to another healthcare practitioner or to decide that kinesiology is not appropriate for the client.
This standard applies to any practitioner whose work aims to enable clients to improve and maintain their health, effective functioning and well-being through complementary and alternative healthcare wherever they practise. The clients may be seeking to improve and maintain their health, effective functioning and well-being. Equally, they may have no particular health needs or may have acute or chronic conditions, or be terminally ill. They may be new to kinesiology, new to the practitioner, established in that the practitioner has been working with them for some while or returning to the practitioner after a period of absence. This standard is based on the premise that for effective assessment to take place, the practitioner needs to understand the clients’ personal, cultural and social situation and the holistic nature of health, effective functioning and well-being. The practitioner must be able to communicate effectively with clients and any companions and balance the information obtained initially with information gained during the assessment. As the assessment process often acts as a gateway to services, there is also a particular requirement for practitioners to monitor clients and evaluate the extent to which services are meeting the needs of the broad community. Where particular issues or incidents cause concern the practitioner is expected to alert their professional body, their employing organisation or other relevant organisation.
Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies.
Version No 1
Knowledge and Understanding
You will need to know and understand:
- the professional standards and code of conduct for your discipline
- the role of the professional body setting the rules and ethics of your discipline
- the rules, ethics and codes of conduct of your profession and how they apply to your own practice
- why it is important to keep your understanding of professional rules and codes of conduct up to date
- how to balance your own responsibilities as a professional with any contractual or other requirements of any organisation within which you work
- current relevant health and safety legislation and how it applies to your own work role
- legislation relating to obtaining, storing and using information and supplying services
- the importance of keeping your understanding of legislation up to date
- how relevant legislation impacts on your own work
- the roles and functions of the principal agencies with whom you work
- sources of information within the health and social care sector and how to access them
- why it is important to respect the rights of clients
- the extent of your own remit as a practitioner and the limits of your responsibilities
- how your own role relates to that of other professionals within the principal agencies with whom you work
- the organisational requirements and restrictions relating to the use of resources
- the range of resources and options available to meet the client’s needs
- how to achieve effective communication through observation, sensitive questioning and listening
- how to adapt vocabulary, pace and tone of speaking to meet the needs of the client
- what forms of verbal and non-verbal communication are available and how to use these positively
- how to check understanding with the client by reading and using a variety of signals
- how to position self and client to encourage communication
- how to recognise and overcome barriers to communication
- why certain environments can inhibit communication and how to minimise this
- why it is important to encourage the client (and any companion(s)) to ask questions, seek advice and express any concerns
- the nature of a professional relationship and how to develop it with clients the need for, and how to use, inter-personal skills when communicating with the client
- how to respond to conflicting advice which clients may receive from different practitioners
- why it is important to reflect on your own practice and identify any development needs
- how to evaluate the effectiveness of your own actions and learn from experience
- the information available on effective complementary healthcare and how to evaluate and use this information within your own practice
- how the models and concepts in your area of practice have evolved and developed, how they tend to change with time and the similarities and differences between different versions
- how to develop links with other healthcare providers and the protocols for doing this
- how to acknowledge the limits of your own knowledge and competence and the importance of not exceeding these
- the importance of recognising and maintaining the client’s right to confidentiality
- how to balance the client’s rights against your responsibility to others
- what to take into account when passing on information about clients
- what the procedures and requirements on confidentiality, security and transmission of information are for your organisation and for any other organisation that you may need to contact regarding a client
- the ways in which confidentiality may be breached and how to prevent this occurrence
- what is meant by “implied” and “informed” consent and the circumstances in which these may arise
- the guidance given by your professional body on implied and informed consent and when written consent should be obtained
- why it is important to ensure that clients have been given sufficient information to give or refuse consent
- who holds responsibility for gaining consent and when this should be done
- how informed consent may be obtained from clients who are unable to give the consent themselves and who has the right to give this consent
- how to confirm that the agreements reached are likely to be in the clients’ best interest
- what the policies on consent, including any specific requirements under contractual agreements are for your organisation and for any other organisation that you may need to contact regarding a client
- why it is important to protect client confidentiality
- how to keep records to protect confidentiality and security of information
- how to keep records so that an audit can be undertaken
- why it is important to record all the necessary information in a format suitable for further use
- who has the right of access to information held on records
- why it is important to acknowledge and respect an individual’s rights and dignity and ways of doing this
- what circumstances may indicate a need for the presence of a third party
- who may act as a companion for the client and how to interact with them
- what your legal and ethical responsibilities are in relation to the client’s health and safety
- how to maintain your practice in line with health and safety legislation
- how to be supportive to the client (and any companion) whilst managing time effectively
- how to obtain information on commonly encountered diseases, drugs and their side effects
- the concept of health, effective functioning and well-being that is consistent with the practice, principles and theory underlying your discipline
- why it is important to recognise that the client’s previous and present care may affect their health, effective functioning and well-being
- how the psychological and emotional balance of the client may affect their health, effective functioning and well-being
- how to recognise when the body is in health balance and when it is not functioning as it should
- how signs and symptoms may be suppressed or altered by other factors such as medication, exercise, diet
- how the client’s diet, lifestyle and emotional state can affect their health, effective functioning and well-being
- how the physical, social, emotional and economic context in which people live affects their health, effective functioning and well-being
- how personal beliefs and preferences affect how clients live and the choices they make
- what resources are available to clients to make changes to the context in which they live and make choices about their lifestyles
- the nature of illness and the impact this may have on a client’s health, effective functioning and well-being
- why it is important to recognise conditions which may pose a serious risk to the client and when to seek immediate help or advice from other professional sources
- the nature of disability and your role in working with those who have disabilities
- how an individual’s abilities and disabilities may affect the nature and form of support and manner in which you provide it
- the history, principles and development of kinesiology from the original research by Dr. George Goodheart to the present day
- how to recognise when kinesiology may be a suitable healthcare option for the client
- how to recognise when kinesiology may complement other healthcare which the client is receiving
- how to recognise conditions for which the discipline is incomplete in itself and for which the client should seek advice from other sources
- the circumstances when you may choose not to accept a client:
- kinesiology is unlikely to succeed
- the client does not want kinesiology
- you do not wish to provide treatment
- the circumstances when you must not accept a client:
- kinesiology is contra-indicated
- you do not have the requisite experience or expertise
- other healthcare should be sought
- the range, purpose and limitations of different methods, which may be used for different clients with different needs
- how to determine the most appropriate method(s) for different clients and their particular needs
- how to tailor treatment appropriately for each individual
- how to judge whether self-help procedure(s) is/are appropriate for the client
- the structure, function, location and interaction of; cells, tissues, glands, organs and systems
- the structure and function of the skeletal system
- the types, classification and structure of joints: range of movements
- the structure and function of muscles, including types of muscles (voluntary, involuntary, cardiac)
- the definition of origin and insertion of muscles
- the origin, insertion and actions of the major muscle groups
- the functional interaction of muscles
- muscle tone and how and why it can vary
- muscle fatigue: the causes and recognition
- the structure and function of the following:
- cardio vascular system
- lymphatic system
- nervous system
- endocrine system
- digestive system
- respiratory system
- urinary system
- reproductive system
- immune system
- the skin
- cells and tissues
- glands and organs
- the interdependence of the body systems
- the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
- the role of digestive enzymes
- the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
- the function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and phytochemicals
- the role of water and fibre
- food combining and acid/alkaline balance
- anti-nutrients: sugar, heavy metals, pesticides, free radicals, drugs, stimulants
- factors affecting food quality: production, storage, processing, preparation
- ideal diet and nutritional indices
- safe and effective use of supplements in nutrition
- allergy and food sensitivity
- the concept of balance and imbalance
- the principles of:
- healing processes
- disease processes
- allergies and sensitivities
- nutritional deficiency
- toxicity
- drug interactions
- the energetic connections and corrections of the muscles that meet the specific requirements of both foundation and advanced training within a professionally recognised branch of kinesiology.
- the structure and functions of the acupuncture meridian system
- the inter-relationship between the acupuncture meridian system with the other body systems
- how to use muscle testing and muscle monitoring to identify an imbalance in the muscle meridian organ gland circuits
- how to use muscle testing and muscle monitoring to reveal imbalances in and between the different systems
- how to use muscle testing and muscle monitoring as a biofeedback mechanism by deliberately applying a stimulus/stimuli to elicit a response (challenge)
- how and when to apply the methods of Kinesiology in relation to chemical, structural, emotional and/or energetic imbalances
- the common methods of Kinesiology and the effects of:
- nutritional support
- neuro-lymphatic reflex stimulation
- neuro-vascular reflex holding points
- meridian energy balancing
- elements balancing
- electro-magnetic balancing
- emotional stress release
- subtle energy balancing
- vibrational energy balancing
- exercise/movement
- structural balancing
- how to check the effectiveness of the corrections and treatment using muscle testing, muscle monitoring and/or observation
- the importance of explaining the treatment and self-help options and methods to meet the needs of the client and what the potential consequences of not doing so may be
- the role which the client (and others) may take, and may need to take, if the treatment or self-help is to be successful and how to explain and agree them with the client (and any companion)
- how to support the client to make informed choices
- the importance of agreeing the location and timing of the complementary healthcare sessions with the client and the factors, which may intervene and alter plans
- why evaluation methods should be determined at the planning stage and what the client’s role will be in the evaluation
- the importance of encouraging the client to be as actively involved as possible and the relationship of this to the promotion of their health, effective functioning and well-being
- how to monitor and evaluate changes in the client, assess which changes are related to the treatment and use this information to inform future practice
- how to evaluate efficacy and suitability of the complementary healthcare for a client and how to decide when it should be halted and/or discontinued
- methods and processes for evaluating information as the complementary healthcare proceeds and using this to inform future practice
- the potential risks associated with client self-help and the extent of your responsibilities
- the importance of giving clear and accurate advice on self-help and the consequences of not doing so
- what information is needed for the review to be carried out effectively
- how to review the effectiveness of the complementary healthcare programme with the client and evaluate the extent to which their needs have been met
- the importance of evaluating the complementary healthcare as a whole
- how and why you should encourage the client (and any companion) to take a full and active part in the review process and to offer their views
- how the client (and any companion) may indicate concerns in the process without making their concerns clear and explicit
- the importance of active listening in evaluating the kinesiology programme with the client
- the range of different ways in which the kinesiology programme can be altered to meet the needs of the client and the ways in which their needs may have changed
- why it is necessary to help and support the client to consider the implications of any changes made to their programme of care
- how to record the content and outcomes of the review process and what information should be included
- the variety of reasons there may be for discontinuing the complementary healthcare programme with the client
Performance Criteria
You must be able to do the following:
- evaluate requests for services for their appropriateness
- direct clients to alternative service providers where appropriate
- communicate verbally or in writing in a manner, and at a level and pace appropriate to the individual
- establish the client’s particular requirements through sensitive questioning
- determine the severity of the client’s needs or the risk of their condition deteriorating
- ensure that any fee structures, charges and different methods of payment are clearly understood
- explain possible outcomes, charges and duration of services to the client
- arrange a suitable time and location for the assessment and agree those who should be present
- explain clearly the reasons for any delays between requests and assessment
- record arrangements made for the assessment fully and accurately
- ensure that the assessment environment is appropriate for the client and their needs
- present a professional appearance and be prepared and fit to carry out the assessment
- ensure that any equipment, materials, and surrounding work area are prepared and meet professional codes of practice, legal and organisational requirements
- evaluate the client’s initial approach and manner to assess their needs
- introduce the client and any companion to those present and confirm individual roles
- communicate effectively and in a manner which maintains client goodwill, trust and confidentiality
- explain the nature, scope and duration of the assessment and any related interventions
- inform the client of the records to be made and their right of access to these
- encourage the client to ask questions, seek advice and express any concerns about the assessment
- confirm the consent of the client to the assessment
- interact with any companion(s) of the client in ways that are appropriate to the needs of the client and to your needs
- respect the client’s privacy and dignity throughout the assessment and ensure they are as comfortable as possible
- position the client for effective access and to minimise risk of injury to self and discomfort to the client
- conduct the assessment in a manner which encourages the effective participation of the client and meets their particular requirements
- support the client to identify significant aspects of their lives and use this to inform the assessment
- where possible determine any contra-indications or restrictions to assessment and take appropriate action
- use assessment methods which are safe, appropriate to the client’s presenting condition and comply with professional and legal requirements
- systematically establish the client’s needs and draw valid conclusions
- seek advice and support from an appropriate source when the needs of the client and the complexity of the case are beyond your own remit or capability
- halt the assessment at the request of the client or when the information obtained means that it is unsafe to proceed
- inform the client when additional information is required and obtain their consent to obtain the information
- evaluate the information obtained for and during the assessment and determine appropriate action
- ensure records are signed, dated and include all relevant details and any supporting information
- explain the outcomes of the assessment clearly and in a manner, level and pace appropriate to the client
- balance possible successful outcomes with any inherent benefits and risks and the legal duty of care to the client
- inform the client of the content, level of risk, duration and projected costs of the proposed action
- explain any restrictions to the use of kinesiology and advise on realistic expectations
- advise the client when kinesiology is unsuitable and enable them to seek other healthcare where appropriate
- recommend and agree action to suit the client’s condition and identified needs
- record the outcomes of the assessment accurately and in sufficient detail to meet professional requirements
- store the records securely
Additional Information
This National Occupational Standard was developed by Skills for Health.
This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004):
Dimension: HWB5 Provision of care to meet health and wellbeing needs